Going to try it again


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2011
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So I am headed out to try to get a turkey today instead of yesterday hopefully I can learn from my mistakes yesterday and be much closer to bring one home
Today I am closer to the creek. Creek is on my left maybe 30 yards. Decoys angled to my right in the field about 10 to 15 yards out. I have myself on the corner of some brush with a blind built up around me
Just heard a hen do the fly down clack. They are all waking up and get noisier. Much more vocal today
I have one gobbling to the left at my call. Do I let him know I am this way or let him search? I am staying put though
Thanks. He must be down because I can hear the gobble varying direction. Like he is walking around. Sometimes it sounds far. Sometimes mOrr near
The only bad thing is once again I think he is on the other side of the creek I can't get to and on a hill about 100 yards away on another part of land
How long will they look for the sound? Do they cross over creeks? I know the hens don't care to come on this side
Could be a hundred things making it sound that way strutin to and away from ya? Terrain? Trees? Who knows good luck
He's walking around that property across the creek and gobbling his head off all over the place. If he heard me and is curious why wouldn't he come this direction? Just trying to gain knowledge
It seems he is just walking in circles on the hill on the other property right above the creek. Is it something about being uphill and not walking down hill. He has easily gobbled over 30 times
Well he has been silent about 20 mins now so I am guessing he found a lady. I think I am at a disadvantage being downhill from where he was gobbling and carrying on. If I had access to the uphill portion I am guessing would have been bettet
Well. I called it a day. The gobblers seem to be staying across the creek on the other property Anyone want to recommend another area around surrounding Knox I can check out that holds turkey?
I had the same luck today on public land had a jake and gobbler hammering on private land but wouldn't cross the darn fence.
catman529 said:
I had the same luck today on public land had a jake and gobbler hammering on private land but wouldn't cross the darn fence.
Curious, how do you know that it was a jake and a gobbler? Did you see them? lol