You think that pic will break 130,or next year?Doesnt look like a 130 to me,but very nice,also will "net" out good too,know you love those net scores.BSK said:Well, he's not as good as the first picture made him out to be, but with those super-tall G1s and G2s, as well as long beams, I think he will score well (break 130).
Football Hunter said:You think that pic will break 130,or next year?Doesnt look like a 130 to me...
BowGuy84 said:...another year he should add some.
J.M.A.N. said:Great looking buck Brian! Good luck on him next season.
BSK said:IF he shows up. Last year he didn't show up until the last weekend of the season (first photo on January 7).