Old buck for sure.
Toothwear (TR&W method) suggests 5.5+ AS A MINIMUM, and we all know toothwear underages them the longer they live, generally speaking (well some of us know that). Estimating age based on toothwear and body characteristics is nothing to laugh about if you have a clue and know what to look for, and realize it is not an exact science, just as cementum annuli is not. Again TR&W method is an estimate that generally tells you the deer's youngest age, but could be older, and many times is likely at least one year older as the teeth suggest 3.5+. As has been stated a thousand times over the last twenty years on this forum and other outdoor forums, cementum annuli is not 100% accurate in the south due to the longer growing season, thus allowing the possibility that a deer's tooth could grow two rings in a single year, and could do that over several years, thus further overestimating a deer's age the older they get IN THE SOUTH. It is scientifically documented, not my opinion, not voodoo. I always suggest sending one incisor to DeerAge (TX) and one to Matson's Lab (MT) and get two independent OPINIONS on age based on CA. Again, these are all just data points to drive you to the best guess on your deer's age, if you care to have your "best guess". The only way to know for sure is to put a tag in a deer's ear at birth, which some do.