Got tired of passing deer

Congrats! How is it that they always find the deepest hole or steepest bank to run down and die in?
Did some scouting Sunday and seen a new rub line down low on my property. I knew a buck was using there but you can just about see my truck from the loc on so I didn't know how good this stand was going to be . Seen four total by 9:15 . Thought it might be a good evening stand because there is a field not far from my property.
Now the work begins,double the work at the same time
Yep me and the grandson skinned and quartered them soon as I got home. Took one to the guy that gives me permission to hunt that joins my property and the other one is cooling out now . Guy gave me some deer sausage and and chocolate cake of some kind , real nice fellow . Hoping to try that sausage soon .
Congrats! Does always seems to run the farthest and end up in the worst places for retrieval. I won't be surprised one day if a doe climbs a tree to expire.