Hey OP, I enjoy estimating B&C (Boone and Crockett) scores for white tail;

-I like to practice so when I am in the field I can estimate on the fly.

-All my scores are based on photos you posted to here, thus it may not be accurate. Normal B&C scores are done with a 1/4-inch wide flexible steel tape to the nearest one-eighth of an inch. I do not go to the 1/8 inch. I do whole inches and go off photos and use things in the photos for approximate references!

-Also, I do gross score and don't do the whole subtract for atypical stuff.

-Of note, circumference (mass) is tough to gauge off of photos

Based on the pics in my estimate B&C for your deer is: 138 ; give or take 5-8 inches for error.

The G@ on the right and the G3 on the left is an absolute BEAST of a tine!!

Great deer!
I need you to score some of mine. Wow!

I absolutely will estimate. Post 2-3 photos with a reference if possible (6 inch ruler would be best). Please have 1 photo to show inside spread and then a left and right side to show the rack. thank you. I do enjoy these estimates immensely. I think a fun thing for the forum would be to have deer, and do photo based scores, then have someone (I would volunteer) to do an actual score and then who ever is closest gets a prize (perhaps $50 amazon gift card per deer, etc). everyone pools in $2-$5 per estimate/ per deer (depending on how many folks we can get involved). something fun to think about, perhaps moderators would be interested.
He did say he scored based off of his pics here. Which from a scoring stand point aren't the best to guess scores. I like scoring deer from pics and like he said he might be way off. I came up with 124''. But again I might be off (I think I would be on the lower end) by 2-4''.

Either way it's a great buck and proud for the hunter!!
and that is why this is fun, neat to see what others get. what were your mass numbers per side, i did 4 inches near the base and 3 inches for the other three measurements per side (Circumference at Smallest Place between First and Second Points: 3 inches per side; Between Second and Third Points: 3 inches per side; between Third and Fourth Points: 3 inches per side)

14 inches is our difference, that could easily be accounted for in mass differential.

Curious! thank you!
For those of you scoring the rack, here are some figures that help. Across the whitetail's range and subspecies, there are some physical commonalities. Eyeballs & ears don't grow much if at all. Eyes are 1" diameter, or 3.14" circumference. That lets you estimate mass. Distance from corner of one eyeball to the other averages real close to 4" regardless if the buck is 2yrs or 8yrs. That can help you estimate tine length. Last but not least, average distance from ear tip to ear tip on an adult whitetail is 16". Might be as much as 17" or as little as 15" but most are pretty darn close to 16". That will help you estimate spread. Doesn't matter much on age, body size, or region. Whitetail bucks all share these commonalities. Field or pic scoring is a guess at best but having a frame of reference helps.
Great tidbits, I have read about these before! thank ya
Great buck, and like I said a bowkill is awesome. My guess from pics he is about a 120" deer plus or minus a couple inches. That is seeing 5" at the base, 21" main beams, 3" brow tines, maybe 9" g2's (I think g2 on one side is a bit shorter), 8" g3's, and 16" inside spread.
Great buck, and like I said a bowkill is awesome. My guess from pics he is about a 120" deer plus or minus a couple inches. That is seeing 5" at the base, 21" main beams, 3" brow tines, maybe 9" g2's (I think g2 on one side is a bit shorter), 8" g3's, and 16" inside spread.
that inside is bigger than 16 for sure! but otherwise i think you on!
Is this the tape yall are using?😂
