Gumbo Recipes?

Mike Belt

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 1999
Reaction score
Lakeland, Tn.
Anyone care to share a good gumbo recipe? Several years back I had some squirrel gumbo at deer camp and it was great. I never did get the recipe and regretted it every since.
No point in talking recipes until you can make a proper roux.

Start with butter, duck fat, bacon grease, or any combination thereof....thou shalt not use vegetable oil. Sift in flour and stir until you get the right consistency. Check out Alton Brown's videos on making Roux: from white to brick to chocolate color.

From there, it's all over the place. Chicken stock with sausage and okra. Shrimp stock with shrimp and crab. Beef stock with sausage and chicken.

Rice or no rice.

File powder or okra.

Gizzards and livers or not
What exactly is file powder and where do you find it. I have another recipe that calls for it and I haven't been able to find it in the store.
here is my go to recipe from years ago:


for this i make a darker roux, and yes i use oil lol as per the recipe from my grandmothers cookbook. i make a roux on medium high heat and duck fat or clarified butter would also work. if you use unclarified butter or evoo you will need to cook it on low and stir a while without burning it. if you use filet instead of deslimed okra put it in at the end or sprinkle it in the bowl when served unless you like slimy gumbo.
Mike Belt":1yaqkqdm said:
What exactly is file powder and where do you find it. I have another recipe that calls for it and I haven't been able to find it in the store.

ground up sassafrass leaves. walmart has it usually by the fresh fish and shrimp cooler. i had a tree and made my own, but i dont particularly like the flavor.
Roux makes it or breaks it, that's for sure. I've gradually come to prefer a dark roux over a blonde roux.

I use whatever's available (squirrel, duck, turkey, bullfrog, rabbit, gizzards, heart, venison, etc) but chicken is great for simplicity. Andouille sausage is a must, but it's easily available in most grocery stores now-even in TN. I prefer filet over okra, but that's simply preference. I also prefer it poured over boudin rather than straight rice.
Mike Belt":36f7di2d said:
What exactly is file powder and where do you find it. I have another recipe that calls for it and I haven't been able to find it in the store.

Filé powder (pronounced FEE-leh) is a the pulverized ddried leaves of a sassafras tree. It is used as a thickening agent in Cajun/Creole cooking. But you use either filé powder or okra, usually not both. And a teaspoon or two is usually all that's needed to thicken a gumbo.

Here's a picture of the brand you're most likely to find at the grocery store.

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