Gun and load


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Reaction score
Polk County
What gun and load do you use and how far do you shoot with it. Me myself I use a mossberg 835 with a truglo turkey choke and 3 in winchester supreme #5s. My maxium distance would be 45 yards according to the patterning board but I would probably set my limits at 35 or 40 yrds.
I shot an 1187 remington with a gobbling thunder choke with 3 in winchester supreme #5's as well. I also don't shot past 40 yards.
cheap cheap cheap

NEF Pardner with 28" barrel and Winchester Supreme high velocity 3" #5 or 6 shot.

Haven't shot any birds past 20 yards yet but with an XX choke I should be able to do some long distance shots.
Mossberg 535 tactical with 20 inch barrel. Jellyhead choke with magblend 3 1/5. Never shot one any further than 35 yds. But I guess that's a good thing.
835 with a Kicks Gobblin' Thunder .670(I think), and 3.5" Winchester Supreme 2oz 6 shot. I would go to at least 50 yards if I didn't feel they were going to come any closer.
Benelli Nova with a .655 Jellyhead shooting Hevi 3.5" 2.25 oz #7 shot. The gun will hold a pattern to 55-60 yards but the farthest I'll shoot at a turkey is about 50 yards in an open field. I prefer them inside 35 yards.
Trying to determine what I am going to use myself. I currently have a Winchester 1400 12 ga with Mod barrel, Stevens 94C 16 ga with unknown barrel, and access to a Remington Model 10 with a full choke yard long barrel.
eweisner said:
Trying to determine what I am going to use myself. I currently have a Winchester 1400 12 ga with Mod barrel, Stevens 94C 16 ga with unknown barrel, and access to a Remington Model 10 with a full choke yard long barrel.

my cousin has an old Iver Johnson with a full-choked 40 inch barrel. 3 inch chamber. the long, full-choked barrels were specialized for turkeys and long-range waterfowl before tubes became popular. The Remington sounds like a nice bird buster.
When my brothers and I were younger we used it to squirrel hunt, overkill I know but we weren't blessed with guns so we begged and borrowed for what anyone had lying around. I actually topped pine tree with it once...
835 Mossberg 3-1/2 Winchester Surpremes. Have it topped with aim-point red dot. Easy kills at 40 or so. It will reach out beyound that if you can stand whats coming when you touch it off. Longest shot was around 54 steps but it was a solid kill.
Remmy 870 with Hastings .650 choke. Shoot Winchester Extended #5's if I can afford. If not shoot 2 oz Win #5's. All in 3 inch shells. 55 yds is my limit.
835 Nitro 4x5x7's with a .690 Jelly Head- If he is within 50 yards he is in trouble. But I rarely pull the trigger past 40.
Dang, 40 inch barrel, I think I will pass :D I often sit places where a weed or small tree would get in the way of moving the gun to point toward an incoming bird. Would be too much movement to get it up, and heavy as heck so holding it steady would be tough too. I got a 28 inch barrel and the gun is heavy enough... But, whatever works, if you can kill a turkey with it then it's good