Had high hopes for this one

280longshot said:
It's not about the rack, it's about the hunt. Shooting a deer in Texas is like shooting a cow in a field expecially when it involves a fence and and feeder. Where is the excitement.???????

Why the anger?? Most of the hunting in Texas is not what you see on the shows or in the magazines. Most of it is done on small properties by average joes. I share your views on the fence and not going to debate over the feeder vs. food plots vs fruit trees etc. If it is legal then so be it. BTW, my place is low fence and always has been. I do enjoy large acreage with low hunting pressure on and around it. Is killing a deer hard in Texas, no. Is killing a mature buck in Texas hard, in some places it is next to impossible and in some places not too much. Is killing a large mature buck in Texas hard, in most places yes. Please dont judge the state of our hunting by what you see in the magazines and on the TV shows. I would say that most that hunt here have more things in common with other states than we dont. Happy hunting.
I guess I was judging from what I have seen on TV and from some people that have gone on some of those hunts. It is a very nice buck but when I think of Texas I think of high fences and feeders. I shouldn't judge before I know the facts.