Hanging A Deer Overnight

Translation: I am saying that once the deer is dead and in your possession, you have to get it hung up, skin off and in the cooler/refrigerator ASAP. It needs to hang to get the blood out of the carcass. Laying it in a cooler or on ice what melts and collects blood in the water will lead to a "gamey" taste.
You would think so but no. As long as you drain the water daily it is fine. Ideally you should keep the meat above the waterline, but besides making the processing a bit more difficult because of the gelatinous membrane that develops on the outside portions where the hide was it doesn't affect taste IMO. I do allow the carcass an hour or two of hang time to drain as much blood as possible, which you are correct in saying it's what gives deer more of a gamey taste. I also put the quartered venison in cotton bags, which tells me if it's in water or not. I keep the ice bagged when possible, I even purchased empty ice bags for this purpose.
I have hung many deer on 50 degree nights even for 2days a few times when camping although when camping highs was low 50 would take a stick and spread as much apart as possible as long as it is not above mid 50 I'm good with it I ain't never had to much games meat the fat will go rancid pretty quick tho
I have read a lot and see stuff folks post without any scientific data to back it up, I err on the side of caution, been working on keeping food safe for the last 25 years for folks, you might get away with doing something 1 time but the odds are against you repeating it, that's why there are guide lines to help keep food safe. you can rot meat called dry aging, temp and humidy is controlled then the outer layers are cut off, the flavor isn't for every one .
There were guidelines for covid-19 too.
Mine goes in the fridge quartered as quickly as possible. In SS chaffing pans. Process and freeze within a week
I used to freeze milk jugs and place them in a cooler with quarters on top. This worked real well for me keeping meat cold and out of the water.
Shot a good 8 pointer this evening. Was planning on leaving him hanging overnight…only going to get down to the mid 50's in Giles County. Y'all think he will be okay?
Mid 50's, gut, split the pelvis, split ribs and brisket, let 'em hang by the legs till just after daylight. No problem. Anyone that thinks otherwise, needs to move back and stay in the city ;)