Looking back on your life, you realize you had some really close calls between life and death, or at least severe injury. The closest calls of all are the ones that when you think about them, you get a little shiver that runs down your spine. For me, the train incident and the recent falling tree incident are the two I still have nightmares about (literally).
A close third would be an incident that occurred hunting that I'm sure I've mentioned before. It was just a few years ago on one of those days where the wind is absolutely howling and being in a stand is a bit frightening. Before a morning hunt, I was debating which of two stands to hunt, not far apart as the crow flies but on opposite parallel ridges. I finally decided to hunt one of them in the morning and the other on the afternoon hunt. During the morning hunt, with the wind roaring, a heard the distinctive "pop" of a tree breaking off and then almost felt the boom as the tree crashed to the ground on the parallel ridge. I remember thinking, "Wow that had to have been really close to the other stand I had been considering. I bet if I had been hunting that stand it would have been quite a scare!" That afternoon I went to hunt the other stand and found out just how close that tree had been to the stand. It was the top of the tree the stand was in, and the whole upper have of the huge oak had come straight down, butt first, and dead-centered the stand, crushing it and driving it into the ground. On that day, life and death came down to a 50-50 toss of a coin.
Those three incidents still give me the cold chills when I think about them.