I agree and this alone may well justify the delay. Disclaimer: This IS NOT directed at anyone specific. There are some skillful and accomplished turkey hunters who are against the delay, and I understand and respect their opinions. But I think a LOT of the vocal opponents of the delay are baiters and/or devoted decoy enthusiasts. If the only way I knew how to kill a turkey was sitting on a field edge with a strutter or jake decoy, I would HATE losing early April. But if you prefer to call them in gobbling, I think the biggest drawback is simply having to wait two extra weeks to do it.
From discussions with Roger Shields and a few commissioners, I fully expect regulations to be set by "zones" within the next year or two. However, as a West Tennesseean, I have not seen any decline in the quality of hunting with the delay, nor have I heard complaints from any of the knowledgable hunters I know. And a few people I know in the MAV counties have noticed an uptick in turkey numbers since the season delay went into effect there a couple years ago. But admittedly, there are many factors that could be at play, and I haven't hunted those counties enough to have my own opinion on how the delay may or may not be affecting populations there.