Hatched turkey Egg

I have no idea how big they were...i didn't ask, and it didn't matter. It came from one of the best turkey hunters I've ever known, and has no reason to lie about it. All he said was he saw 2 large groups of poults on the lease, with one group being right up in his lap. I'll find out...
He said he was guessing 1 bunch about a week old, and the other bunch a few days older. 1st bunch the size of a bob white and the other bunch a little bigger....fwiw
I had read a few of those threads you posted and even a few others on various sites that have the same claims in WV, SC and TX.
I am going to follow my own advice and just sit this one out. It is too late in the season and I am too tired to get into a long drawn out biological discussion that highlights why poults that are size X wouldn't be present right now without some truly freakish occurrences.
If you want to explain, I am all ears, as I am sure others are too. Better yet, point me to some published biological journals/papers/opinions/books that say for certain there is no way on earth there are poults in TN before a certain date (historical data). Do I believe it is highly unlikely year in and year out, yes. Do I believe it could happen by chance, yes. I have scoured the internet and other forums looking for this evidence and have yet to find it. The only place left for me to visit is the library. Per previous posts, I gather that you and REN conducted field research on the eastern wild turkey while in college; at Auburn and MS State if I am not mistaken. Did you two author or co-author any papers/reports/studies etc? If so, any on the breeding behavior and hatch dates of the eastern? If so, I would love to read them. I am not being a horses rear, just playing devil's advocate until proven 100% wrong with well documented biological data. It will take more than one study with one set of data to convince me that there is only one narrow window in which ALL hens in TN breed. I am just not buying that at this point. Fire away, as I know it is not your nature to remain silent, especially when it comes to turkeys and turkey hunting and the passion you have for both. :)
I will see what I can find from all my stuff most is just in memory now. Just for the record I never said never. I know where setter man is coming from and agree for the most part but I won't say with certainty that mother nature can't mix it up from time to time. Yes I think some or most of the claims earlier in the season may have some fabrication or confusion to them but I will not say its not possible. There are some on her that if they said it I wouldn't question it l, however with people you don't know you always have to take everything with a grain of salt.

My main point is just trying to make sure people understand that temp is not really a MAJOR factor in turkey breeding same as the moon has not significant role in deer rutting. I will say that this year I have seen some different behavior in turkeys from other years so anything is possible and I wouldnt be the first time I was wrong lol
Thanks REN. I agree with everything you typed. Don't worry, I get things wrong every other day it seems; my boss at work and my wife are always there to remind me too. :grin: Thanks again for your input.
REN said:
I will see what I can find from all my stuff most is just in memory now. Just for the record I never said never. I know where setter man is coming from and agree for the most part but I won't say with certainty that mother nature can't mix it up from time to time. Yes I think some or most of the claims earlier in the season may have some fabrication or confusion to them but I will not say its not possible. There are some on her that if they said it I wouldn't question it l, however with people you don't know you always have to take everything with a grain of salt.

My main point is just trying to make sure people understand that temp is not really a MAJOR factor in turkey breeding same as the moon has not significant role in deer rutting. I will say that this year I have seen some different behavior in turkeys from other years so anything is possible and I wouldnt be the first time I was wrong lol

Agree with the above. Nothing is impossible in nature, however the reason I question this stuff is the doom and gloomers are the same ones who claim wild stuff. That leads me to have doubts, plus we see pics of everything yet poults tend to elude the camera every time, until later this month.

The other thing that makes me doubt is the size of reported poults being seen, they are reported as being so developed that breeding would have occurred in january. The size ratio doesn't add up and makes me have serious doubts as to the truth behind the reports.

When the season concludes I will post my opinions on this year. Some will be surprised and it will be interesting to most who have done this for a while.
Everything thing seems later than usual for me ive never seen toms so dang henned up all day long this time of year!!
Rockhound said:
Everything thing seems later than usual for me ive never seen toms so dang henned up all day long this time of year!!

It's terrible here as well. Usually by now some are freed up, but everyone has hens, it is tough going in these parts right now.
Setterman said:
Rockhound said:
Everything thing seems later than usual for me ive never seen toms so dang henned up all day long this time of year!!

It's terrible here as well. Usually by now some are freed up, but everyone has hens, it is tough going in these parts right now. [/quote

Same way here we got two toms that has 9 hens daily and they will not break up
Matt.Wilson said:
MODERATOR PLEASE DELETE THIS THREAD. too many freaking wanna be biologists versus hunters making observations
Check back in during deer season if you think this minuscule debate/discussion is alarming. The Serious Deer Hunting Forum in November will showcase many debating our buck limit and all the negative effects of hunters shooting young bucks. You will really get to see sparks fly as people's emotions runneth over. For the record, my experiences while afield are posted here mainly for sharing my observations in my part of the state in hopes someone may be able to glean something useful from it, nothing more and nothing less. I also enjoy reading other's experiences while afield as there is typically something to be learned from all. I draw general conclusions based on mine and other's past hunting experiences, as well as the literature I read, however, I have never claimed to be a know it all arm chair biologists. I hope my posts do not come across that way. I just wanted to set the record straight on that in case anyone here got that vibe. Happy hunting to all. :)
Matt.Wilson said:
MODERATOR PLEASE DELETE THIS THREAD. too many freaking wanna be biologists versus hunters making observations

Wannabe biologists? Who do you speak of and I hope its not me, because I am pretty sure my degree and research projects would make your statement false.u