no "shooting house", no saddle, no drive, no dogs ( for deer), no feeder or bait, nor vehicle or copter. no blind for deer/turkeys either. had a guy in Ridgefields ask me to shoot some of the deer eating his garden once. said i could sit in a folding chair inside of his garage, or "hide" behind the basketball backboard on its roof... :rolleyes: i'd love to hammer hogs from a copter, but i'd want to harvest the meat too. meat is too good to let rot; pretty sure wasting food is a sin.
Wild hog is the best. Waste food never, to me it is a sin.🙂
How about out of a barn ? I've sat in one many of times during rain or windy days.

Hunted out of a "cave" once to. It was a huge rock formation. I just walked in about 15 feet and sat down and kicked back. Was able to see a lot of land the way it laid. Unfortunately no deer that day.
Yea, forgot about the barn. Sat in a loft once.
Yea, forgot about the barn. Sat in a loft once.
That's how we found out my boy was allergic to hay. Breaking daylight and had several doe in front of us. He sneezed like 10 times in a row and started getting hives on his hands where he had touched it. He did shoot a doe because they was just confused running around the field lol. Then we got down.
Let's see, killed deer: from the ground without any brush or covering around me. Still hunting. From a barn. From old stand made of 2x4s nailed in a tree. From a climbing stand. From a strap on stand. From a ladder stand. From a condo. When I was kid still living at home, from my bedroom window.

Never killed a deer over bait, but did hunt over it for a research project. Never hunted with dogs.
🤣 from a condo. Had to change the subject from th HB post. I got a farm 2 yrs ago and have busted my ass to make it a deer haven. It's working compared to where I started. I wanted to point out with this post there are a lot of different types of hunting. Out west it's totally different than here. Different states you do or can do different ways to hunt. But people being closed minded or there way or the highway is beyond me. I love the term HUNT YOUR HUNT. I don't care what anyone else does but for me I spend alot of money and time keeping the deer feed with healthy food 3/4 of the year. Would just like to do it year round. Cant during hunting season. Ok I'll stop.
In the open on the ground? Yes
Hunt from a climber? Yes
Hunted from a treestand elevated? Yes
Hunted from a shooting hub or house? Box blind, yes
Hunted from a saddle? No
Hunted a ground blind? Yes
Hunted in a brush blind? Yes
Been on a deer drive? No
Hunted with dogs? No
Hunted a food plot? Yes
Hunted over bait or feeder? No
Hunted from a vehicle? Kind of, private 43000 acre ranch in Wyoming glassed some from the truck
Hunted from a helicopter? No
I've done most of those.

When I was young, I used to creep through swamps in the middle of the day, jump shooting deer with buckshot. I've also crept through corn fields and shot deer. Those were both a lot of fun.

Later on, the rows of corn were planted too close together to be able to effectively hunt the corn.

I enjoyed hunting deer with dogs. Very similar to rabbit hunting.
yes to most. No helo, No vehicle. Never shot one off an ATV either.

deer drives and deer drives with dogs were always a hoot.

I will add Ive killed deer out of a boat while it was floating. Deer are way more comfortable in and around water than the large majority of deer hunters will ever be. cheers!
All except hunting from a vehicle, helicopter or saddle, do most of my hunting from a ground blind, like to hunt bad weather especially rain, usually have the woods to myself and the blind keeps me dry.
All except hunting from a vehicle, helicopter or saddle, do most of my hunting from a ground blind, like to hunt bad weather especially rain, usually have the woods to myself and the blind keeps me dry.
Yes Sir, rain sleet or snow. My partner and I hunt Monday thru Friday as long as is not a heavy storm. We have had good luck on nasty days. It just sucks when you leave a dry warm blind to recover. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
I killed a small buck with a 410 slug whilst sitting in the cab of a 1950 GMC flatbed truck that had been abandonded in the woods decades prior. It made a great place to sit when it was raining. there was a good deer trail on either side of it and a hub of trails about 50-60 yards in front of it. The rain pitter-pattering on the roof made it hard to stay awake.
I killed a small buck with a 410 slug whilst sitting in the cab of a 1950 GMC flatbed truck that had been abandonded in the woods decades prior. It made a great place to sit when it was raining. there was a good deer trail on either side of it and a hub of trails about 50-60 yards in front of it. The rain pitter-pattering on the roof made it hard to stay awake.
Cool story!

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