HB 1618

Ok, just hear me out. What if I rented equipment and spent weeks clearing out a few one acre plots in the woods. I kept them mowed and maintained all season. Then once season arrives instead of throwing some seeds on the ground I just broadcast corn. No piles, no turkey killing mold, deer no more concentrated than if it were a planted plot and I can replenish or not as season goes along. What would the argument be against this?
I plot provides nutrition long after season is closed. I plant mine just for late winter nutrition.
how much. is it enough to matter in this equation!!! my little bit dont really but i really dont wanna listen to a state government agency that has let our turkey population decline so bad its down to two weeks later on opening date and 2 birds less!!
They are also the agency that brought them back. How soon we forget. It should have never been 4 in my opinion.
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