
LOL I WAS a Levi Garrett man from the time I was about 13 until I was 29 and I just decided to quit one night. Stayed quit for about 15 years and thought "one dip wont hurt". That was 14 years ago. Its about time to quit again for good I suppose.
I remember getting pissed when Skoal jumped up to 75 cents a can...and only being about 14 and not getting carded.
Used to skip lunch and use the money to buy a can at the gas station across from the school before baseball practice. Wish they'd carded me… It's on me now though. No ones fault but me. Just weak and stupid for not quitting
Update on the mystery melon: Its starting to get a "bark" on it now like a regular cantelope. Its stopped getting bigger but its still firm and the stem is still green.
SADLY, this will be the last and final update on the mystery melon. :(:( I looked at it yesterday evening and SERIOUSLY thought about picking it, but decided I would give it ONE more day. When I passed the garden this morning I was totally upset, depressed, angry, you name it. A DAMMMMNED bear picked it for me last night and carried it off, never to be seen again. Not only that, he tore the vines up so bad that I dont think my plant will survive.
The silver lining is that there was another melon, MUCH smaller, about like the small nerf football size, and even though he picked it, he left it about 15 yards from the garden and I saved it. I gave it to Shag this morning and he cut it open and HOPEFULLY the seeds are mature enough to get our stock back. I wont try to raise them here again, but he doesnt have the random rogue black vermin at his place so maybe he can try it again next year.

Here's the seeds from the smaller one that the bear didn't carry to another county.
When I cut it open to the harvest the seeds, it wasn't yet ripe, of course. BUT, the flesh was pale green colored. At first I thought the smell reminded me of a cucumber. But as I was sorting out the seeds after I got home, it hit me what the smell reminded me of…it smelled like a ripe paw paw mixed with cucumber. I did cut out one little bite just to taste test. Tasted straight up like a cucumber. Watermelon has almost the same taste once you get close to the rind. I hate fresh cucumbers! Love dill pickles…but HATE raw cucumbers! 😂

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