
eddie c said:
RUGER said:
I would like to interject something here if I may.

Kinda disturbs me that people feel that way and that they feel they need to send links to other sites. Nothing wrong with it, don't get me wrong.
Just odd that the comment was made that the bs is as bad or worse there than here.
Why not just start posting more stories, pictures etc here and drum up interest here instead of stop trying or going somewhere else?

Just curious.

As for the argument that bow hunters ran alot of traditional bow people off, I have to disagree there. From what I personally have seen and read on here I would have to say that there were by far more negative attitudes portrayed by traditional bow users against compound and ESPECIALLY crossbow users than ever was the other way around.

Before you bash too hard, take a look in the mirror, just sayin.

Ruger, I have to agree with Phil's post. but would also like to comment on a couple of your statements, which for the most part I agree with.
I was the one that made the "BS" commment. most of it pertains to the 'elistist' part of our weapons type users. The BS surround some of their comments some times get deep and get aimed at the 'other' guys. I personally dont care for it.

I also dont agree with the statement that the bow hunters ran the trad guys off. it is probably more along the line that there are not that many trad guys on Tndeer. I freely post in the compound forum as well, when I have something worth typing. Personally, crossbow shooters have cause me more grief about my choice of weapon than compound shooters.

And yes, I did join in when there was a suggestion for a crossbow forum because I was tired of sorting through agruments between compound shooter and crossbow shooters looking for interesting worthwhile topics. I dont recall asking for a trad forum since I knew there would not be a lot of traffic on it. I make a point to post on it IF I have something of interst related to trad archery and bow hunting but this was a slow season for me and I didnt have anything to show or say.

I'm getting keyboard cramps so I am getting off my soap box.:)


RUGER said:
I will add one more comment.

While I see the reason to have seperate forums for traditional and compound and crossbows due to different types of discussions but I think it is a bad idea to seperate bowhunters into sub classes, as from what I have seen it only does just that, seperates HUNTERS.


Phil Floyd said:
Ruger - Let me comment on some of your comments.

I never bashed crossbow hunters. I did strongly object to allowing the use of crossbows in the general archery seasson. No need to go into the reasons since it is a moot point. Exception - I did bash one yankee called tow who insisted on sticking his nose in TN affairs.

TnDeer is a great general hunting(and everything else) site. Frequented mostly by Tennesseans. Sites dedicated to traditional archery offer access to a lot more information offered by huge numbers of trad archers from all over the world. No Nascar, no fishing, no guns, just longbows, recurves, traditional equipment, traditional hunting stories, etc.

Well its a generational thing , thats what it was that caused the older traditional bow hunters to think the younger generation was a bunch of slackers. The traditional bows require years of practice and constant practice to master. The new compounds with sight and 70+ percent let-off can be mastered a lot easier .
I shot both types of bows and hunted with both types when I was hunting. But some old Timers never did accept the new bows so that was what motivated some of them to not come around and post as much as they did in the first years of TNDEER. My old hunting buddy OLD TIMER doesnt post much more anymore because he could never understand that it will never be like it was in the 1960s when we were young and the world of Archery was wooden arrows and bows of fine wood and glass fibers.
The crossbow useage now has helped get a lot of older bow hunters back into the woods which is good. But it has given a lot of younger hunters the chance to use scope sighter bows on rifle stock too. The young bow hunter guys may never try a compound of recurve or longbow because it is easy to go to Wall-Mart and just buy a machine to do all the work for them.
Quote Ruger
[ As for the argument that bow hunters ran alot of traditional bow people off, I have to disagree there.]
Well not many traditional guys post now so traditional guys did not run off any of the other hunters.
Even though I used a compound I still practiced useing it instinctive at 2o yards and closer and I still used my fingers to shoot cause it just felt right. I used real wood grips on my Hoyt and PSE compounds also caused I am still from that old generation that likes the feel of a good piece of wood in my hands.
Long live the memories of Ben Pearson , Fred Bear , Earl Hoyt , and the fine bows they made in the Golden Age of American traditional Archery.

HA HA HA, I didnt know it was loaded, HA HA, get it, HA, he was cleaning it and all of a sudden TWANG!!!, HA HA.

Sorry, I couldnt help myself.
I have to disagree with Ruger. I think anyone who has been around here for awhile knows that there is much less posting by trad. shooters now than even 2-3 years ago. I simply don't see it as a trad. friendly site and if the mods. don't happen to share your opinion (no matter how politely and respectfully expressed) you've got trouble. Most folks don't need more.