Hermitage Buck

What you getting at here? Just because I take issue with spot burning on the internet I'm seek one? I respect a lot of what you put out but you are a bit pretentious.

I'm not sure if you've seen the hermitage before but seems a little less residential that what those clowns generally hunt.
My apologies if my post came across as a shot at you Polarkraft, or a shot at this unique hunting opportunity. I was taking a shot - as I always do - at Seek One's tactics. I have no doubt the buck in question was a hard-won trophy animal. My "Seek One" comment was just part of running joke on this site every time a high-end suburban buck is killed. I don't consider this Hermitage buck to be a suburban buck, as in a hand-fed "pet" shot in someone's backyard.
You will get that wish very soon. I promise!
So you mean to tell me the person that shot this buck is going to tell that it was shot at this place and that the story will be put online. Oh oh the horror (sarcastic) cause apparently it's not supposed to be talked about unless you're in on the hunt.
So you mean to tell me the person that shot this buck is going to tell that it was shot at this place and that the story will be put online. Oh oh the horror (sarcastic) cause apparently it's not supposed to be talked about unless you're in on the hunt.
Is it like a secret society or something??
So you mean to tell me the person that shot this buck is going to tell that it was shot at this place and that the story will be put online. Oh oh the horror (sarcastic) cause apparently it's not supposed to be talked about unless you're in on the hunt.
easy now, you're gonna upset polarkraft if you keep talking like that!
Seek One is hiring if you have business experience.

Our team is growing and we're looking for someone who can help run the business operations for Seek One! If you have business administration experience and you want an in into the hunting industry this could be your opportunity! Click the link in our bio for more details.
yup, I grew up right in the bend on shute ln in brandywine.. You used to see a good amount of deer out there in the fields, but the last 10-15 years its really exploded it seems. They'll be 15 in each field from OHB to lebanon rd.. I know the farmer has been hunting it a long time but recently has gotten some help apparently.. They need to bring the dove hunts back over there, or it would be an awesome archery only draw hunt if twra could talk em into it..
This 1000%. my first dove hunts when I moved here at 16 in 1992 were there. I had moved further away and stopped going over there, and then they ended it. There is a bunch of land there. I am sure the LEO/employees aren't going to go along with the TWRA draw hunt, but I don't believe they own it, and I am pretty sure it is a historical site. I would love for TWRA to do a draw hunt there. I would cash in my PI points to do it. 😂
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