HHA Owners!


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score
Cumberland Plateau
I was shooting my Optimizer OL5500 today trying to get it tuned for the yardage tapes that come with it, I tried everything in the world to get it to shoot in the area it should be, finally got er dialed in at 20 but were I had my moveable pin was around were the 45-50 yard shot should come from????

So I said screw the tapes, my bow isn't the fastest out there but obviously its too fast to go by HHAs rule of thumb!!

So i got comfortable at 20 perfect 2 shot group-slightly high no biggie
So i got comfortable at 25 perfect 2 shot group
So i got comfortable at 30 perfect 2 shot group

All was about the same distance apart could be tighter but I was trying to get it to hitting somewhere??
So technically I have a 20 25 30 yard pin setting and don't have to compensate or adjust?

40 is a defferent story, I gotta work on 40 I'll have to adjust my sight for it I was shooting 6 inches low at 40 with the same adjustment!!

Do any of you have this same problem, I wouldn't call it a problem?

Can you shoot 1 setting out to 30 yards??
I had no trouble with mine what you do is take the tape printed like scale(the one with lines) numbered 5s with it you sight in at 20yds. and record that number from the tape marked set-up then sight in at 40 or 60 and record that do the math( subtract small number from big number) if you use 40 their should be scale to tell you which tape will work seeing each tape is numbered and if 60yds. just subtract the 20yd. number from the number that lined up at 60yds. and use that tape. leave indicator set at either 20 or 40 yds. and place the coresponding yardage that is on tape under indacator pin and you'll be set
JDBinTN said:
I had no trouble with mine what you do is take the tape printed like scale(the one with lines) numbered 5s with it you sight in at 20yds. and record that number from the tape marked set-up then sight in at 40 or 60 and record that do the math( subtract small number from big number) if you use 40 their should be scale to tell you which tape will work seeing each tape is numbered and if 60yds. just subtract the 20yd. number from the number that lined up at 60yds. and use that tape. leave indicator set at either 20 or 40 yds. and place the coresponding yardage that is on tape under indacator pin and you'll be set

Yes thats the same exact process I was doing but were my reading for 20 yards should have read around 18 it was around 50 so if I put a tape on mine it would be so scrunched up you wouldnt have to adjust it much!!
I shot the HHA 5000 and I never move it from 0-30 yards then I have it marked every 10 yards after that out to 80 yards. With a range finder and the HHA sight it takes the guessing out of shooting beyond 30 yards.
spitndrum said:
JDBinTN said:
I had no trouble with mine what you do is take the tape printed like scale(the one with lines) numbered 5s with it you sight in at 20yds. and record that number from the tape marked set-up then sight in at 40 or 60 and record that do the math( subtract small number from big number) if you use 40 their should be scale to tell you which tape will work seeing each tape is numbered and if 60yds. just subtract the 20yd. number from the number that lined up at 60yds. and use that tape. leave indicator set at either 20 or 40 yds. and place the coresponding yardage that is on tape under indacator pin and you'll be set

Yes thats the same exact process I was doing but were my reading for 20 yards should have read around 18 it was around 50 so if I put a tape on mine it would be so scrunched up you wouldnt have to adjust it much!!

Oh I see, misunderstood what you where saying.