WTB House rental in Greene County

Wanted to Buy
Feb 22, 2024
Central Tx
Greeneville, TN
This is a long shot but I'm looking for a house to rent in Greene county. Wife just got hired in Greeneville for teaching while I work remote. I learned we'll need an address in Greene county to have the kids attend her school. If any one knows of someone willing to rent out or has a realtor that specializes in rentals I'd appreciate the info. Willing to do a year lease while we look to close on land. We'll be at a month long Air B&B starting July 3.
2 kids, 1 wife with a very clean lifestyle
We will hop on a phone call / face time if you want to meet us first
Moving to get out of the Austin, TX area
-- the hard part; we have 2 dogs (very well trained and don't tear anything up)

Back up plan; Buy a trailer and stay long term somewhere (not desired)
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killingtime 41

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2022
greene county
I haven't looked in years but rentals in Greene county use to be close to impossible. But with double the population now and all the new houses built. Maybe you'll have some luck.

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