Houston Astros

gobblegrunt":2r0vt0a1 said:
Stealing signs is part of baseball and always has been. Anyone who says it's not is fooling themselves. When I played we were always looking to steal signs. It's no secret!!
I think people are just upset at the way they are stealing the signs. If anyone has been following poker Mike Postle and Stones Cheating Scandal this should be nothing new. They were suspecting in using all sorts of Electronic cheating apparatus's . Bottom line when competitiveness meets $$$$$$$ expect cheats.
RUGER":38lm0gjc said:
Mark McGwire never juiced.

I'm with you on this one..... :rotf:


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GG-It ain't stealing signs or catching a pitcher tipping his pitches-that is perfectly okay-use your eyes and experience.

Its using a high definition super speed camera to do the stealing that is illegal.

Yes, the League did a poor job of policing this issue but that's because you need the whole team to participate and who would have thought a whole team would be in on cheating after being warned by the Commissioner to not use the instant replay cameras to steal signs.

And yes, I believe other teams have been doing the same thing only it is much more controlled.

You think Altuve or Bregman was not in on it? Watch the replays, both were doing it.

Cora could receive a lifetime ban--it will be at least two years.

Question: Has anyone ever watched Kershaw pitch in a playoff against the Astro's??? They had his number and he could not understand what was going on. Everyone attributed it to a failure on the part of Kershaw(myself included). Now what do you think?
I think they should have more subtle indicators. I mean what's worse? Actually stealing signs or knowing the other team is stealing them and keep doing the same crap and crying about it. Idc what anyone says, 9 out of 10 people couldn't touch a major league pitcher even knowing every pitch he is going to throw. Now just think, even ML hitters fail 7/10 times. Knowing what is coming is an advantage yes, but still don't make it a guarantee.
Beltran and the Mets have 'parted ways'. yeah, right.

Wonder what Judge will say next time he gets a chance to speak to Altuve in semi-private.
Those are called splits and are readily available for each player and you can see the home and Away numbers.

The team wins in 2016 was 84. In 2017 it jumped to 101 (verlander went 5-0 joined team at end of August 2017).
DaveB":1mwxspl9 said:
Those are called splits and are readily available for each player and you can see the home and Away numbers.

The team wins in 2016 was 84. In 2017 it jumped to 101 (verlander went 5-0 joined team at end of August 2017).

That is only 17 wins, and assuming that is the regular season wins, how many were home vs away? Was the sign stealing done in opposing team's fields? (forgive me as I am not keeping up with it in the media).
The home team has their own instant replay cameras. I believe the visiting team has access to the same cameras but clearly not all of them are shared.

The cameras are when a team may want to challenge an umpire call out/safe they can get a quick look from their camera team and know whether to protest or not. They only get one challenge unless the challenge is upheld, then they get one more. if you lost the challenge thats it no more this game.

Astros used the cameras to steal signals and pass that info back to the batter. This was already defined to the teams but poorly done. September 1 2017 the Commissioner told everyone use of the cameras to steal signals or anything else would result in severe penalties.
A guy standing on 2nd base catching sloppy pitchers and catchers is one thing. Using HD video and a systematic approach to cheating to a world series is another. In my mind, significantly worse than a man betting on his team in baseball. Calls into question the entire integrity of the game, especially the players true skills.

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