Well-Known Member
Just curious. I'd like to get maybe three more cameras for under $100 each. Alsp I've never used white flash? Does it scare the deer? I've heard mixed reviews about white flash.
Thats a false statement,I know for a fact they do.I had all white flash cams,then one summer bought 2 IR cams and my picture numbers went way way down,and of the pictures I did get with the IR cams the deer was looking right at the camera on alert.climb_higher said:The IR red glow doesn't scare deer.
cecil30-30 said:Thats a false statement,I know for a fact they do.I had all white flash cams,then one summer bought 2 IR cams and my picture numbers went way way down,and of the pictures I did get with the IR cams the deer was looking right at the camera on alert.climb_higher said:The IR red glow doesn't scare deer.
The way I see it is,that nothing natrual glows red in the woods like a IR flash,so deer tend to avoid it and it spooks them. But when it comes to white flash cams,deer can relate this to lighting and are less spooked.
climb_higher said:cecil30-30 said:Thats a false statement,I know for a fact they do.I had all white flash cams,then one summer bought 2 IR cams and my picture numbers went way way down,and of the pictures I did get with the IR cams the deer was looking right at the camera on alert.climb_higher said:The IR red glow doesn't scare deer.
The way I see it is,that nothing natrual glows red in the woods like a IR flash,so deer tend to avoid it and it spooks them. But when it comes to white flash cams,deer can relate this to lighting and are less spooked.
Well, we all have our own opinions don't we? I'm so glad you cleared that up for me. I'm glad that you can state that "as a fact." I would hate to think that I was scaring deer with my IR all last year. But, for some reason, they kept coming back day after day and night after nite from last June all thru deer season. Man that's weird. I can only imagine how many more pictures I would have gotten of all 8 of those bucks that kept coming back if only I had used a white flash.
climb_higher said:cecil30-30 said:Thats a false statement,I know for a fact they do.I had all white flash cams,then one summer bought 2 IR cams and my picture numbers went way way down,and of the pictures I did get with the IR cams the deer was looking right at the camera on alert.climb_higher said:The IR red glow doesn't scare deer.
The way I see it is,that nothing natrual glows red in the woods like a IR flash,so deer tend to avoid it and it spooks them. But when it comes to white flash cams,deer can relate this to lighting and are less spooked.
Well, we all have our own opinions don't we? I'm so glad you cleared that up for me. I'm glad that you can state that "as a fact." I would hate to think that I was scaring deer with my IR all last year. But, for some reason, they kept coming back day after day and night after nite from last June all thru deer season. Man that's weird. I can only imagine how many more pictures I would have gotten of all 8 of those bucks that kept coming back if only I had used a white flash.
Master Chief said:climb_higher said:cecil30-30 said:Thats a false statement,I know for a fact they do.I had all white flash cams,then one summer bought 2 IR cams and my picture numbers went way way down,and of the pictures I did get with the IR cams the deer was looking right at the camera on alert.climb_higher said:The IR red glow doesn't scare deer.
The way I see it is,that nothing natrual glows red in the woods like a IR flash,so deer tend to avoid it and it spooks them. But when it comes to white flash cams,deer can relate this to lighting and are less spooked.
Well, we all have our own opinions don't we? I'm so glad you cleared that up for me. I'm glad that you can state that "as a fact." I would hate to think that I was scaring deer with my IR all last year. But, for some reason, they kept coming back day after day and night after nite from last June all thru deer season. Man that's weird. I can only imagine how many more pictures I would have gotten of all 8 of those bucks that kept coming back if only I had used a white flash.
I run cams A LOT, both IR and white flash (never black flash though). I run cameras in several places and have gotten my fair share of mature bucks from both IR and WF. I've also had my fair share of IR scares though. IR has definitely proven to scare deer more. I have plenty of proof to make it a "FACT" and not just an opinion. However, I have also had negative reactions to white flash. Not as many though.
Bottom line is IR and WF scares both exist and vary from herd to herd.
climb_higher said:Master Chief said:climb_higher said:cecil30-30 said:Thats a false statement,I know for a fact they do.I had all white flash cams,then one summer bought 2 IR cams and my picture numbers went way way down,and of the pictures I did get with the IR cams the deer was looking right at the camera on alert.climb_higher said:The IR red glow doesn't scare deer.
The way I see it is,that nothing natrual glows red in the woods like a IR flash,so deer tend to avoid it and it spooks them. But when it comes to white flash cams,deer can relate this to lighting and are less spooked.
Well, we all have our own opinions don't we? I'm so glad you cleared that up for me. I'm glad that you can state that "as a fact." I would hate to think that I was scaring deer with my IR all last year. But, for some reason, they kept coming back day after day and night after nite from last June all thru deer season. Man that's weird. I can only imagine how many more pictures I would have gotten of all 8 of those bucks that kept coming back if only I had used a white flash.
I run cams A LOT, both IR and white flash (never black flash though). I run cameras in several places and have gotten my fair share of mature bucks from both IR and WF. I've also had my fair share of IR scares though. IR has definitely proven to scare deer more. I have plenty of proof to make it a "FACT" and not just an opinion. However, I have also had negative reactions to white flash. Not as many though.
Bottom line is IR and WF scares both exist and vary from herd to herd.
I run cams A LOT too. Both IR and white flash. And ill agree that some deer will tolerate certain things over others. But nothing I've seen suggests that the deer are spooked by the IR. And I'm not a scientist like u and cecil30-30 so I'm not going to state that as "FACT"
Master Chief said:climb_higher said:Master Chief said:climb_higher said:cecil30-30 said:Thats a false statement,I know for a fact they do.I had all white flash cams,then one summer bought 2 IR cams and my picture numbers went way way down,and of the pictures I did get with the IR cams the deer was looking right at the camera on alert.climb_higher said:The IR red glow doesn't scare deer.
The way I see it is,that nothing natrual glows red in the woods like a IR flash,so deer tend to avoid it and it spooks them. But when it comes to white flash cams,deer can relate this to lighting and are less spooked.
Well, we all have our own opinions don't we? I'm so glad you cleared that up for me. I'm glad that you can state that "as a fact." I would hate to think that I was scaring deer with my IR all last year. But, for some reason, they kept coming back day after day and night after nite from last June all thru deer season. Man that's weird. I can only imagine how many more pictures I would have gotten of all 8 of those bucks that kept coming back if only I had used a white flash.
I run cams A LOT, both IR and white flash (never black flash though). I run cameras in several places and have gotten my fair share of mature bucks from both IR and WF. I've also had my fair share of IR scares though. IR has definitely proven to scare deer more. I have plenty of proof to make it a "FACT" and not just an opinion. However, I have also had negative reactions to white flash. Not as many though.
Bottom line is IR and WF scares both exist and vary from herd to herd.
I run cams A LOT too. Both IR and white flash. And ill agree that some deer will tolerate certain things over others. But nothing I've seen suggests that the deer are spooked by the IR. And I'm not a scientist like u and cecil30-30 so I'm not going to state that as "FACT"
I have several more and a couple of videos. I'm not trying to act like I know more than you either.. Just trying to show that cecil30-30 was right.
Jcalder said:![]()
I've got hundreds more. All on IR. I think it all depends on the deer but I definitely wouldn't say for a fact that it scares em.
Master Chief said:Jcalder said:![]()
I've got hundreds more. All on IR. I think it all depends on the deer but I definitely wouldn't say for a fact that it scares em.
IR definately doesn't always scare deer. In fact usually it doesn't. However it is a proven fact it can and deer do notice it.
Jcalder said:Master Chief said:Jcalder said:![]()
I've got hundreds more. All on IR. I think it all depends on the deer but I definitely wouldn't say for a fact that it scares em.
IR definately doesn't always scare deer. In fact usually it doesn't. However it is a proven fact it can and deer do notice it.
But would you agree that the white flash cameras scare them as well. I ain't saying that an IR won't. But I wouldn't say that the white flash doesn't.
Master Chief said:Jcalder said:Master Chief said:Jcalder said:![]()
I've got hundreds more. All on IR. I think it all depends on the deer but I definitely wouldn't say for a fact that it scares em.
IR definately doesn't always scare deer. In fact usually it doesn't. However it is a proven fact it can and deer do notice it.
But would you agree that the white flash cameras scare them as well. I ain't saying that an IR won't. But I wouldn't say that the white flash doesn't.
Yes, I know for a fact white flash will scare deer also. I already said that.
Climb higher... I have a video pulled up that clearly shows a young buck running from IR. Due to the storms here my satellite Internet is out but I will be more than glad to upload it ASAP seeing as you are so stubbornly persistent in ignoring something that has been proven in hundred of studies.
climb_higher said:Master Chief said:Jcalder said:Master Chief said:Jcalder said:![]()
I've got hundreds more. All on IR. I think it all depends on the deer but I definitely wouldn't say for a fact that it scares em.
IR definately doesn't always scare deer. In fact usually it doesn't. However it is a proven fact it can and deer do notice it.
But would you agree that the white flash cameras scare them as well. I ain't saying that an IR won't. But I wouldn't say that the white flash doesn't.
Yes, I know for a fact white flash will scare deer also. I already said that.
Climb higher... I have a video pulled up that clearly shows a young buck running from IR. Due to the storms here my satellite Internet is out but I will be more than glad to upload it ASAP seeing as you are so stubbornly persistent in ignoring something that has been proven in hundred of studies.
I would like to see those studiesand from what I've seen in my 20 years of hunting, a young buck (really young) is usually scared of his own shadow ;-) Anyway, this is an opinion thread. I have mine, u have yours, and cecil has his. It makes the world go round