How are the Tascos???

Master Chief said:
climb_higher said:
Master Chief said:
Jcalder said:
Master Chief said:
Jcalder said:



I've got hundreds more. All on IR. I think it all depends on the deer but I definitely wouldn't say for a fact that it scares em.

IR definately doesn't always scare deer. In fact usually it doesn't. However it is a proven fact it can and deer do notice it.

But would you agree that the white flash cameras scare them as well. I ain't saying that an IR won't. But I wouldn't say that the white flash doesn't.

Yes, I know for a fact white flash will scare deer also. I already said that.

Climb higher... I have a video pulled up that clearly shows a young buck running from IR. Due to the storms here my satellite Internet is out but I will be more than glad to upload it ASAP seeing as you are so stubbornly persistent in ignoring something that has been proven in hundred of studies.

I would like to see those studies :-) and from what I've seen in my 20 years of hunting, a young buck (really young) is usually scared of his own shadow ;-) Anyway, this is an opinion thread. I have mine, u have yours, and cecil has his. It makes the world go round :-)

It's not opinion.. It's 100% fact. And if you really think a young buck is easier to scare than a mature buck.. Well I'm not gonna waste my time.

Bottom line is deer can see red-glow IR cameras. In fact they aren't even truly infrared. They are a combination of visible red light and true infrared illuminations. The only true IR cams on the market are black flash.

You don't have to believe me. I really don't care. You apparently have good luck with them not scaring deer. I hope your luck continues. I've also had good luck with them. Most of my deer don't get scared by them and the ones that do usually return (except for 4.5+ deer). Usually I have to move the cams around because they quickly learn where it is located. This is also true for white flash.

Also if you really wanna make your own experiment just set your cams on video. They will generally notice the camera.

I do infact have video of a 2 1/2 year old standing only a few feet from my IR camera as he chews his browse :-) I suppose I'm going to blow your mind with this but here goes....he didn't run off! ;-)
Master Chief said:
climb_higher said:
Master Chief said:
Jcalder said:
Master Chief said:
Jcalder said:



I've got hundreds more. All on IR. I think it all depends on the deer but I definitely wouldn't say for a fact that it scares em.

IR definately doesn't always scare deer. In fact usually it doesn't. However it is a proven fact it can and deer do notice it.

But would you agree that the white flash cameras scare them as well. I ain't saying that an IR won't. But I wouldn't say that the white flash doesn't.

Yes, I know for a fact white flash will scare deer also. I already said that.

Climb higher... I have a video pulled up that clearly shows a young buck running from IR. Due to the storms here my satellite Internet is out but I will be more than glad to upload it ASAP seeing as you are so stubbornly persistent in ignoring something that has been proven in hundred of studies.

I would like to see those studies :-) and from what I've seen in my 20 years of hunting, a young buck (really young) is usually scared of his own shadow ;-) Anyway, this is an opinion thread. I have mine, u have yours, and cecil has his. It makes the world go round :-)

It's not opinion.. It's 100% fact. And if you really think a young buck is easier to scare than a mature buck.. Well I'm not gonna waste my time.

Bottom line is deer can see red-glow IR cameras. In fact they aren't even truly infrared. They are a combination of visible red light and true infrared illuminations. The only true IR cams on the market are black flash.

You don't have to believe me. I really don't care. You apparently have good luck with them not scaring deer. I hope your luck continues. I've also had good luck with them. Most of my deer don't get scared by them and the ones that do usually return (except for 4.5+ deer). Usually I have to move the cams around because they quickly learn where it is located. This is also true for white flash.

Also if you really wanna make your own experiment just set your cams on video. They will generally notice the camera.

And I guess your deer are just smarter than you must be smarter than me seeing as your opinion is "Fact" where mine is just, well, an opinion ;-)
Like I said. I'm not trying to say I'm smarter than you. I don't even know who you are. I'm glad you got a good video. I'm sure you can get several. I'm just saying deer can see IR and white flash.

And I by no means am amazed your 2.5 year old deer didn't run from the camera. I have around 10,000 red glow IR pics from just last season. Plenty of mature bucks too.. In fact probably 40% of those pics were 3.5+ bucks
I'm not trying to get into a who has bigger buck pics contest.. Regardless that is a great buck for sure. Good luck with him this season.
Thanks :-) and my apologies for hijacking this tread from its original question of how well the Tascos work. I actually bought one a month ago and put it out but haven't checked it yet.
climb_higher said:
Thanks :-) and my apologies for hijacking this tread from its original question of how well the Tascos work. I actually bought one a month ago and put it out but haven't checked it yet.

I'd check it soon. They drain batteries pretty quick. Be sure to post the pics you get on the forum!
Master Chief said:
climb_higher said:
Thanks :-) and my apologies for hijacking this tread from its original question of how well the Tascos work. I actually bought one a month ago and put it out but haven't checked it yet.

I'd check it soon. They drain batteries pretty quick. Be sure to post the pics you get on the forum!

10-4 will do
BuckHunter511 said:
Results yet haha?

Its a bit late but here's what I've found: the Tasco has worked really well. Its taken over 3,000 pics and they are of good quality. The battery life has been very respectable. Its been out for the last 6 weeks on the same set and has taken over 1500 pics and not showing low battery yet. Not bad for a $50 cam.
climb_higher said:
BuckHunter511 said:
Results yet haha?

Its a bit late but here's what I've found: the Tasco has worked really well. Its taken over 3,000 pics and they are of good quality. The battery life has been very respectable. Its been out for the last 6 weeks on the same set and has taken over 1500 pics and not showing low battery yet. Not bad for a $50 cam.

About the same here. So far, best 50 bucks I've spent on a tcam to date. ;) Nice clear pics, but the 1 sec trigger time does leave a little to be desired imo.

I'll post some pics when I get back to work on Mon.