My brother hunted this evening (over a year later from original incident). This guy seen him while he was walking to his treestand (150+ yards from the property line). He then open fired his AR into our thicket and bullets were whizzing under my brothers stand for over an hour. My brother waived his orange hat, the guy continued to shoot. My brother yelled "Your the idiot who held my brother at gunpoint last year, you won't get away with this, the cops are on the way!". The guy then trespassed onto our property and said "what, are you afraid to talk to the guy with the gun?!".
Needless to say, my brother stayed in his stand to avoid being hit by a stray bullet.
Police and DNR say there is nothing that can be done again! How can we escalate, send a message to this guy, and get some Justice? We currently can not hunt half of our lease as concerned for our safety.
#michigan #hunting @TedNugent
#TedNugent #hunterharrassment #trespassina #hunt #lawenforcement