How long do they gobble for

They'll gobble until late May early June. The birds your messing with may just have hens. Pretty much every turkey hunt this time of year at flydown they get with hens really quick.

Don't push and call to them to much to make them do something they don't want to do. Stay after them, learn the woods, and let the gobblers fire up when they are ready.

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Hey man props to you for being a newb and tackling public land turkeys! It can be tough out there. I am still pretty new to it myself and you have already gotten great advice so I'll echo it. 2 things I wish I knew when I started: 1). Call maybe one tenth of what you think you should call (less truly is more) and 2) prioritize that 3rd week of season like others have said. Seems to be the sweet spot between hens finally moving off and not all the birds kilt yet. And really every time you screw up on a bird it's still a positive cuz you pin that sucker on OnX for later or even next year and you got one in the bank!
I walked into Big South Fork about 20 years ago in February and it was -4 when I drove through Jamestown. I ran a gobbler off the roost and he gobbled for 30 minutes. I have heard them gobbling in Nov before in Union county. Crazy dang birds!