How long do you still run cameras after season closes?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2017
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I'm picking up that a few interesting bucks are still walking around. (West Knoxville). Nice to know they'll be around for next year. Once all the camera's batteries run out in February/March I usually just take them home until August because deer roam around so much I can't really tell what's going to be there for the Fall until about that time. It's not worth taking a chance on getting them stolen which I have had happen more than once. And discharged batteries can leak.

This guy went through one of the properties I hunt last night. Depending on what I see this Fall I might consider him to be a shooter.

I'm taking my cell cameras up now will get this rest this weekend. No since in paying for them out of season for me. My regular cameras I'll take out the end of January I have no good reasoning really. I've got pictures of all but one of the deer I wanted to survive and I lost him before Christmas and assume he is dead. So I'm good til July.
Normally would take mine down end of January. This year I already have them all down. I have so little luck following a buck from one year to the next I've about given up on even trying. Didn't really have any deer this year I was hoping would survive so I'll just put them back out next August and hope to be surprised.
As soon as season is over. Well, as soon as I can get around to them all. Still have 9 more out and I'll have some hiking to get to them.
I've been buying and using Walmart/Duracell batteries because nothing else but Lithium is said to last very long. I'm only getting about 1 to a month and a half with them at best requiring constantly inspecting and replacing batteries through out the season for non-cell cameras. A pain except that my cell cameras that can notify me when batteries are getting low. Next year I'm going to shell out for lithium batteries. Any advice? I would use solar charged external batteries but most of my cameras are in the woods and I don't think they would receive enough sunlight to keep them charged. Are you using alkaline, lithium, or solar for power? Observations appreciated.
Been using Rayovac Alkaline in mine. Second best I've tried were the blue Thunderbolt Alkaline from Harbor Freight. Both have held up better than Duracell or Energizer. Think I'm going to try the Amazon Basics just to see how they do. I am only using non-cellular cameras, just haven't bought a cell one to try out. Thinking about one to put on the pond for duck season so I can see when the ducks/geese hit it so I might can slip up on them if I'm close.
I'm getting ready to buy the 12v feeder batteries and a solar panel and just wire mine in permanently. The battery would probably last a year without the solar panel my guess.
I have pulled the majority of mine already with the exception of 4 that are a couple hours away. I don't find that pictures of survivors help me much the following year to get a particular buck on the ground. IMO mature bucks don't move much this time of year and when I do get a pic, or maybe two, of a buck it's usually because he's moving from his breeding range back to his home range and I don't find that information to be very helpful except to know your not hunting a ghost if it's a buck you have pursued for multiple seasons. What I have found to be highly effective for me is locating sheds from a particular buck especially if I can find 2 or more consecutive years of sheds in the same general location.
Been using Rayovac Alkaline in mine. Second best I've tried were the blue Thunderbolt Alkaline from Harbor Freight. Both have held up better than Duracell or Energizer. Think I'm going to try the Amazon Basics just to see how they do. I am only using non-cellular cameras, just haven't bought a cell one to try out. Thinking about one to put on the pond for duck season so I can see when the ducks/geese hit it so I might can slip up on them if I'm close.
Amazon alkaline batteries have performed incredibly well for me. Amazon Basics AA is the one I've used. It's white. $55 got me 300 batteries and I've still got half of them left after the season is over. Ran 9-10 regular cams and three cell cams for $28 for an entire season. I can't complain about that.
I need to check my cam and put new batteries in it now. But I keep mine going year round. Just to see what roams through. Not just deer but just cool to see. I'm going to try the Amazon batteries as mentioned above.