How many are still after them?

My season isn't even halfway over!

I have shot my 1 buck in TN, won't kill another, but still have some kids to take for bucks. IF they don't put the hammer down on 4 more does, I'll shoot them myself.

Going to Starkville weekend after Christmas, then I will hunt locally in south MS Jan1 thru Feb 15th.
hail state!
This afternoon was sit #62. 176 hours, 15 mins. 79 bucks, 197 does seen this season. Have killed one doe. Need to kill another 1 or 2. May do that tomorrow if given the chance. Our late mz is over Sunday. I may bow hunt Christmas eve. After this weekend I'll pretty much be done and move my focus to trapping.

Been a great season as always. I have people ask why I hunt so much and never kill much. Maybe I'm too picky. But I just enjoy being out there more than anything. I'm already thinking what to do to get ready for next season. I know 2 things for sure is break the chainsaw out and cut lots of saplings down around one of my stands in the woods to provide better shooting holes. Another is to get another stand huntable again after leaving it neglected for a few years. It's one of my closest walks but best spots. Have to replace the flooring in it and cut out around it.
This old guy is like clockwork twice a day. Believe he's 6+ as had pics for last 3 years. Hope one of grands gets him, otherwise he'll hopefully live another year.

Have missed 4 days so far since season opened & killed 2 does. Have 1 buck that I'd for sure shoot if given the chance, but so far he's always one step ahead of me. Have another that I want to see on hoof before I make up mind. Been a fun year being at camp this much. Will focus on trapping in mid January. Good luck to the ones still hunting! It's about the hunt not the kill.

This old guy is like clockwork twice a day. Believe he's 6+ as had pics for last 3 years. Hope one of grands gets him, otherwise he'll hopefully live another year.

Have missed 4 days so far since season opened & killed 2 does. Have 1 buck that I'd for sure shoot if given the chance, but so far he's always one step ahead of me. Have another that I want to see on hoof before I make up mind. Been a fun year being at camp this much. Will focus on trapping in mid January. Good luck to the ones still hunting! It's about the hunt not the kill.

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Yup, he's OLD and needs a bullet!
I got a buck Dec 1, I'm mainly looking for does to fill the freezer going out this weekend. Have a couple bucks on my land but they are getting passed for next year.
I'm headed back to West TN for the weekend. That will probably end this season. The only way I will go after that is if my neighbor asks me to go. He hasn't killed a deer yet and I would try my best to help him. Tough when he works 2 jobs.
I've not been in about a week because of work and other things but, intend to start back up. Tomorrow or the next day. I've not seen a buck in awhile though. Saw 7 does the last time I went. Four were together.
Yes. still after it in Giles County. Saw 7 bucks yesterday, over 20 deer total. Headed out again at lunch time.
I've slowed way down, I've had a blessed season with 3 big bucks and 3 does. I've been going when my friends want to go.

Last time out I passed a 4 point that i'm positive is the same 4 point I passed back in November. It really had me asking myself why am I waking up early and wading through this swamp?

There's a 10 point and an 8 point here that would look nice on the wall and taste good on the table. Have taken 4 doe and 2 button bucks that I thought were mature doe. One was larger than the average mature doe. Barrel chested stud in waiting. I'm thinking his dad is the 8 point I saw 3 weeks ago. Very majestic mature buck with a sag in the belly. One perk of hunting, of course, is the downtime from the extra people being in my house over the next couple weeks.
Hunted yesterday morning, slow. My Nephew saw the spike I call "Goalpost" come by him as he normally does and I had two does sprint past me about 30 yards in neighboring property, no clue what was after them. One odd thing I've noticed on this piece of land is the lack of Squirrels.
I'm hoping to go again before season is over. Only been out twice this year. Got the one small buck, but would like at least another in the freezer. Daughter hasn't scored yet...she needs to. Just been so busy with everything going on. Anymore it's even hard to find the motivation to go.
Hoping this isn't the end....but it is what it is I guess.

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