At 52 I'm still able to do anything I was able to do thirty years ago just slower. At 49, on New Year's Eve, I killed a nice 10 point that dressed about 170 lbs. It was right at dark and he ran into the thickest, steepest, nastiest hollow on our Scott County lease. After dragging the deer out of the hollow and across a rain swollen creek, into which I fell twice after losing my balance in the current, it took all of my fading strength to get him into the truck. When I got home it was nearly 11 o'clock. I was exhausted. I remember asking myself how long would I be able to do such things. I began to sadden from such thoughts when it occurred to me that many men, years my junior, could not have accomplished what I had just done. I slumbered well that evening and hunted the morrow!
This subject still weighs heavily on my mind. I hunt damn near every day of the season. From the opening of muzzle loader to the final day of rifle I will only miss 3-5 days due to work. I will use most of my sick days plus the breaks when school is out. Many days are only evening hunts after work but I'm very fortunate to be able to hunt way more than most. By the end of the season I am very tired. Hopefully, I can keep this up for many years to come but the great equalizer awaits.
To hunt as long as possible, I realize my methods will need to change.