We have two now in Minor Hill down the street from each other ......
Yes, some new processors have popped up, but most are relatively small & new, and not sure to what extent can count on being there next year.
This past Thanksgiving weekend, a friend of mine shot a deer Friday afternoon. Bad shot, we backed out, came back and found it early Saturday morning. My new deer processor in Clarksville was already full up by mid-morning, and said they couldn't take any more deer before Monday. I then called Flowers in Nashville, plus a couple more ----
ALL were full up, and none could take any more deer any sooner than Monday!
This was mid-morning on Thanksgiving weekend.
I had planned to kill a doe that weekend.
Decided not to, since already had a deer with no where to take it.
Worse, instead of going hunting, as previously planned, Monday morning, got to the processor in Clarksville before daylight, only to find 5 trucks full of deer in line ahead of me.
Sat there until nearly 8am when they opened.
Guy came out and said, "I can only take 16 deer today. That's it".
Got my friend's deer in there, but the trucks behind me were quickly turned away.
What's happened is that the rules regarding transporting CWD deer have contributed to many deer processors simply closing down, shifting more business to those processors in non-CWD counties. But CWD is spreading, and coming to a county near you, ultimately causing more processors to close than start up.
Bottom line:
Dealing with a "harvested" deer is not as "convenient" for me as it once was,
and this does effect both my desires to go as well as my opportunities to go deer hunting.