how many will admit

Blount County Hunter

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
That they have shot at and missed a turkey before? I hate to admit it, but I have missed 2, one because my sight was tilted at the end, the other because I made a snap shot while laying in prone, haven't missed since, but was just curious to who else has had a miss and the reason(excuse) behind it?
When I was young I shot at alot of turkeys that were to far away, then watch em fly off lol It took me until about age 14 to really start judging the distance better. Never have just missed one that was in range out of mid 20's in birds.
i have missed a few birds since i started hunting them in 1990,heck i missed one last year in chuck swan at 30 yards, couldnt tell ya what happened i just flat got excited and tore up and pulled the shot. man i love it i cant wait till april im like a kid waiting on christmas
Good deal, glad somebody admits it, all my misses came before the age of 15, but I won't blame age on why I missed, I just didn't have my act all the way together!
Oh, and my uncle shot one a few years back a couple weeks after I missed, and he claimed it had already been shot at before! Dumb bird didn't learn his lesson, but atleast someone got him, just twice as many bbs for me to pick out on easter
Blount County Hunter said:
I don't know of anyone who has hunted turkey for over 10 yrs without a miss, do y'all?
i cant go two years with out one, i average about 1 every two years that i just flatout flub on and miss :D
knightrider said:
Blount County Hunter said:
I don't know of anyone who has hunted turkey for over 10 yrs without a miss, do y'all?
i cant go two years with out one, i average about 1 every two years that i just flatout flub on and miss :D

I think that's how everyone is, it just happens sometime for a varitey of reasons
I usually miss one every couple of years. Like some of you on here have said though, its just part of it. About 5 years ago, however, I had the season from helL. I called in three longbeards to within 40 yards that year and missed every time! One was at about ten steps. That was the only season in 12 years of turkey hunting that I did not kill a bird. The next year I made up for it though and limited out :)
I missed twice last year. I put a rear sight on my gun and ended up with my 4 bird limit. It was the first time I ever missed a turkey and I did it twice. I guess its because we gave Spit so much hell about missing it came back around to bite me
I was bow hunting in my blind a couple years ago, and had a nice longbeard and a couple jakes in. I drew back, and could see the bird perfectly through my sight window. When I let go, my arrow just kinda died and never evern made it close to the bird. If you look at the picture below, you should be able to see what happened. I felt like an idiot! If you can't tell, I shot through my blind. My sight window was just above the window and I forgot that my arrow was lower and shot right through the blind that I just bought the night before.

i am a fortunate one i guess but i have yet to miss on a turkey (12 years of hunting) but i wont really take a shot over 35yds so that helps.

Well tech i guess i have if you count a follow up shot at 60yds once when a buddy missed and i just flung one out there after the bird took off.
Ok change the subject a tad bit, how many have had a longbeard in range and messed it up, as in moved or just diid something wrong and spooked him? Throw in a story if you have some memorable ones, I know I have probably spooked over 10 that were in range, but my favorite was when I had 2 toms coming in from 2 opposite directions, both would cut off my calling with a gobble everytime, well I assumed the one behind me was going to get there first, so I got up and repositioned myself facing the other way towards the 2nd bird, well I sit there for about 15 minutes, I don't hear a peep, not a gobble, drumming or leaves moving at all, so I slowly begin to turn around and look behind me and am suddenly face to face not even 3 ft with a tom, as soon I we made eye contact, he bolted off the hill from the direction he came
i have had my fair share of misses i'll admit. most were making bad decisions on distance or trying to make something happen instead of being patient and wanting something to happen. but if you never miss you ain't hunting enough haha