how many will admit

Grizzly Johnson said:
Blount County Hunter said:
Glad to see some of you all are humble enough to admit that you missed, maybe it will help some other people on here to have some restraint on taking unsure shots

Misses are just a part of hunting. Guns & Ammo have come a long way but it's ultimately the hunter that pulls the trigger.

Yep that's true, I have been carrying a rangefinder with me and will note some distances of large trees or other landmarks around me when I first sit down in my spot, it helps keep the distance judging to a minimum
REN said:
not to steer this in another direction but IMO the GUNS AND AMMO COMING ALONG WAY is part of the problem IMO...when i first started hunting a shot over 40yds was just not something people did or even it seems people are willing to take 60-70yds shots. i want them close enough for me to see their eyes blinking or the magical sound of one drumming (just nothing in the woods that beats that sound!!!)

I understand... maybe I should not have put that in my comments...

I won't shoot much past 40 if I can help it. I too like them close as possible. But I do take comfort in knowing if I had to take a 45yd shot, it will count.
agreed grizzly, and i didnt mean that post to sound like people shouldnt or they are wrong for doing each his own in distance..just meant more that the greater the shot distance the more chance you are going home empty handed.
REN said:
agreed grizzly, and i didnt mean that post to sound like people shouldnt or they are wrong for doing each his own in distance..just meant more that the greater the shot distance the more chance you are going home empty handed.

That should come down to properly patterning your gun to see what "your" max effective (ethical) distance is with a load/choke combo.... as well as how it is shooting up close and personal.
I like to shoot them up close. I have a great set up with my gun and "can" kill one out to 50-60 yds. But I never shoot past 40 yds (at least now days i dont). Its hard to beat looking down my sights at a big old gobbler at 15-20 steps and BOOOOOM! FLOP!

AHHHHHHHHH.! I'm ready to go hunting now. :grin:
Can't be a true turkey hunter unless you miss from time to time ;)Anyone who says they have not missed is either full of crap or hasn't hunted them long enough
i got my arm caught in barb wire and pulled a shot on one 2 years ago. missed 3 birds that year!lol
I missed the very first turkey I ever shot at about 12 years ago. Didn't turkey hunt almost at all after that until a few years ago and for some reason this second go-around has me hooked.
ive only shot at 2. killed the first one and the next day dirt rolled a jake. chased him to a creek to put a kill shot on him and the gun jammed.
Don't you think the issue of where to aim is an important part of this discussion? If you aim at their head, you'll eventually shoot over one. If you aim where the wattles join the feathers on the neck, even if you shoot a little high, you'll still get him.
Yes, I've missed um before
i tend to aim at the neck...low or hight by a smig i am good still. plus at 30yds my bead sometimes covers the entire head so i just pull it down a tad till i can see part of the head.
I try to always have the top of my bead at the base of his head( where his head and neck meet). Unless he is super close, then I aim on down on or below the waddles.
everyone misses now and again all though its been 2 years since I missed but look at this way if you miss at least your seeing birds!!
I missed 3 in one morning. All three different birds! Switched to a scope the next season. Best decision i have made on turkey equipment.
I've turkey hunting 50 years and I've missed a bunch and will miss until I give up the ghost.Turkey hunters shoot from more positions than Houdini could get into,but most misses are from not getting down in the sight, which causes shot placement over the head and clean misses.

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