This is a great thread with feedback from many experienced parties. Here are my two cents. I have hunted middle tn since about 1986 on various leases in several counties and varying terrain. I wish I had the answers. I don't.
A lease I was on from about 2008-2019 started off as clear cuts with planted pines. The ever changing landowners (banks, timber companies, investment firms, etc.)and various logging operations ultimately made an almost impassable mess of the bottoms and roads. Last I heard the landowners wanted $10 an acre. It was not worth $5 when we left.
The maturing pine trees rapidly shaded out almost all browse. The small part of the land that had mast producing trees were logged several times. Road hunters were an issue and EHD hit twice while we were there. The typical 4.5 year old or older buck would only score 110 to 120. A 125 buck was a very good buck there. Over 12 or 13 seasons only three bucks over 130 were killed, but this was nowhere near worth the cost, effort, and time we spent at that lease.
As someone else noted , it does not make sense to pay a high price to hunt "pine goats".
In my view are there large tracts of land worth $15 an acre in TN to lease? I don't know. Say a 1,000 acre place is $15k. Ten hunters are $1,500 each. First off, it might not be easy to find 9 other people in TN to pay $1500 each.
And sharing 1,000 acres with 9 other people after having paid $1,500 myself seems a bit crowded. Leaving trophy quality aside, a large part of why I hunt is to be outside and simply enjoy it. I don't want to pay $1,500 and feel crowded. There is the risk of EHD, CWD, and wild hogs in various places in TN. The real issue I have with paying too much per acre to lease land is that you really don't know how long you will have it and you might pass up bucks for years, plant food plots, and create a good lease... and then lose it.
I can think of at least two areas of TN (if I lived closer to them) where I would just hunt the public hunting areas and save all funds for an out of state hunt. Either of these areas could produce a quality buck as good as the private leases I have been on in TN.