How old and should I shoot him?

5.5 and he's coming home with me if he was on my property and I got an opportunity. I'm pretty sure his massive body is making his horns look smaller than they are and they're not small to begin with.
Don't ask me. If I am your neighbor I would definitely need to look at him closer, ah, to advise you better.

Drive him my way and listen for my opinion 😌
Yeah. No biological reason to not shoot. Fully mature 5.5 plus, topped out, low end deer. Id shoot him for jerky and for his jaw bone. Id send it off to get an accurate age
I'm normally not "targeting" any younger than 5 1/2.
So this one appears to meet that.
But I'm also normally not using a buck tag on something without very large & unique antlers.
So this one doesn't make the cut right now (and probably never will).

Would simply prefer someone else to get him.

As the season progresses, my criteria changes a little.
Generally, I raise my standards towards the end of season,
thinking any buck which has survived to that point, has a good chance
of being around next year, and everything a bit better.

But also generally have no problem taking ANY fully mature buck
on the last day of season.
Exception is commonly a broken up rack, especially a broken off main beam or G-2.

A big part of my hunting satisfaction is having things for which to look forward
next year, like a mature buck growing more & bigger sticker points.

I look at every deer as a "trophy", either to be watched (passed)
or taken home. Watching often provides more opportunity
whether same day or next year.