How to get bucks on cam

Got a decent one coming in pretty regularly now.

I get the most pics this time of year on established mineral sites( trophy rock) on ag field edges. The surest way to not get big buck pics is to visit the site.. The longer I stay out the better quality bucks pics I get. If I do visit the site its usually a one week minimum until a mature buck will start visiting again.
In addition to above . . .

Dodge Man, You need to unleash the Kraken aka The Bush Hog!
Lots of mowed strips in that jungle & it will be more attractive habitat for deer, and provide more "trails" for capturing pics.
I think we can mow and clean up to 30% but we need to talk to a guy that is in charge of whatever program it was put in to see exactly what we can do. We plan to mow a road from one in to the other. Make some 2-3 ac food plots in different areas that are not grown up. I just don't know if it will get done this year before hunting season. I think we can get some strips mowed so we can at least hunt it this year some.

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