How to get out of stand when surrounded by feeding deer

True story.

I was hunting one afternoon and there were several does feeding in the cut bean field about 30 yards from the treeline of the woods I was in.
I was about 50 yards inside the woods.
When it was time to go I just started getting my crap together and climbed down as normal.
Not trying to make excessive noise, but not trying to be a ninja either.
As I was packing my climber up and getting it on my back I could see them looking at me. They were kinda skylined.
I just started talking to myself, kind of mumbling.
Stupid deer, always where I don't want them to be etc.
Swear, I walked out of the woods and got to within 15 yards of them before they finally blew and took off. :D
Truthfully I've climbed trees with deer inside 20 yards I usually come in tight on bedding deer. Actually quite often. Not sure about walking out I guess I would try to walk directly away from them.
I've started talking
and answering myself in a different tone . More like a loud whisper were they can't hone in on my whereabouts. Usually they get uncomfortable and move . Once a buck bedded down out from me . In range of my bow but there was this cedar that had just fell since the last time I was there in between us . I thought I'll just wait him out because I was thinking he would head out to the fields in a little bit . We'll it was getting time close to checking out of the motel and my wife was there so I had to get him up some how . I looked in my fanny pack and started throwing things out from him hoping to get him to move my way for a shot . Threw my water bottle , he just look at it . Threw my batteries out of my flashlight , he just looked at them. Threw everything I could but he just kept laying there . Time to leave so I got desperate. Started trying to throw my voice beyond him . That made him uncomfortable so he got up , thought I might get a shot but he went back the way he came .
Last year I was walking and talking on the phone trying to find a better spot for a camera pre-season. Pretty good size 8 point let me get 10 feet from him before he jumped up and bailed.

I'm confident if I had been sneaking in he would have bounced a lot sooner.
I had one of those yesterday. I have two good spots where I know when they're going to be there, usually 3-6PM. I like to be in the tree no later than 1:30. Yesterday I get to my property at 12:30ish and get my stuff on and at 12:47 both cameras start blowing up and multiple deer at both spots.

Then when time to leave another camera fairly close to where I was in the tree started going off. I was about to leave but I knew if that camera went off they would be on me in about 5 minutes. I wait until they clear out, didn't have a good shot anyway. I look 360* and all looks to be clear. As soon as my bow hit the ground and I let go of my bow rope, two come in and nothing I can do.

I sat there for a while and then shooting light was way gone and for the light I had I thought they were gone and as soon as my feet hit the ground one blew at me. Sometimes ya just can't win.
I normally just shoot 1 and the others leave for some reason works most of the time, once in awhile I might have to shoot another, makes for a hard drag but it's their fault lol.
I once threw my half drank bottle of water and hit a button buck that was 10 yards away from my elevated box blind. He ran off about 20 yards and stopped, looked back, and walked back and smelled off the bottle. Buttons are about the dumbest deer in the woods though. Ended up throwing a seat cushion out the window and he booked out of there really quick. This was about 10 am in the morning though over a food plot