True story.
I was hunting one afternoon and there were several does feeding in the cut bean field about 30 yards from the treeline of the woods I was in.
I was about 50 yards inside the woods.
When it was time to go I just started getting my crap together and climbed down as normal.
Not trying to make excessive noise, but not trying to be a ninja either.
As I was packing my climber up and getting it on my back I could see them looking at me. They were kinda skylined.
I just started talking to myself, kind of mumbling.
Stupid deer, always where I don't want them to be etc.
Swear, I walked out of the woods and got to within 15 yards of them before they finally blew and took off.
I was hunting one afternoon and there were several does feeding in the cut bean field about 30 yards from the treeline of the woods I was in.
I was about 50 yards inside the woods.
When it was time to go I just started getting my crap together and climbed down as normal.
Not trying to make excessive noise, but not trying to be a ninja either.
As I was packing my climber up and getting it on my back I could see them looking at me. They were kinda skylined.
I just started talking to myself, kind of mumbling.
Stupid deer, always where I don't want them to be etc.
Swear, I walked out of the woods and got to within 15 yards of them before they finally blew and took off.