How to hunt nocturnal bucks?

There are at lease two exceptional hunters who seem to get a good buck or two every year. These guys are experienced on the plantation but their style is what sets them apart from the crowd IMO.
They both hunt very hard but again so do others and it is a necessary ingredient but it takes more than time and chance. This is a summary of how they hunt.

One hunts from the ground and IMO has perfected this over decades. He seems to know when to stop and when to move. He will sit a stand when necessary but I think he would rather hunt on his feet. He moves with patience, stealth and purpose. He kills way more than his share.

The other hunter is a hunter's hunter. He pegs the meter on being aggressive. He sits a stand but makes the bucks come to him. He has perfected this as an art form. He uses horns, calls, scent. Whatever it takes to get that buck on his feet to check him out. Most of us are trying to be a ghost, he is saying I'm big and bad and gonna take your ladies. What are going to do about it?

Neither of these tactics are my preference nor could I duplicate what they accomplish but it does make one think. My hunting approach has been molded over a career of deer hunting and enough mistakes to write a novel. I've had some success but not like these two guys.
Missed this post. Makes sense.

I prefer #1. I'm a ground hunter.
There are at lease two exceptional hunters who seem to get a good buck or two every year. These guys are experienced on the plantation but their style is what sets them apart from the crowd IMO.
They both hunt very hard but again so do others and it is a necessary ingredient but it takes more than time and chance. This is a summary of how they hunt.

One hunts from the ground and IMO has perfected this over decades. He seems to know when to stop and when to move. He will sit a stand when necessary but I think he would rather hunt on his feet. He moves with patience, stealth and purpose. He kills way more than his share.

The other hunter is a hunter's hunter. He pegs the meter on being aggressive. He sits a stand but makes the bucks come to him. He has perfected this as an art form. He uses horns, calls, scent. Whatever it takes to get that buck on his feet to check him out. Most of us are trying to be a ghost, he is saying I'm big and bad and gonna take your ladies. What are going to do about it?

Neither of these tactics are my preference nor could I duplicate what they accomplish but it does make one think. My hunting approach has been molded over a career of deer hunting and enough mistakes to write a novel. I've had some success but not like these two guys.
Nuts! It's just crazy how different tactics can put those deer on the ground. I too don't hunt like either of them. I actually HATE hunting from the ground. However, if our place was laid out better, I may. I know I love running and gunning for turkeys, but at that time, most of the leaves have rotted and you can be quieter.
Did Ames quit posting photos? Would still like to see some of the kills and how many.

Also, what were the restrictions this year on buck size?
No pics. Probably none going forward either. No antler restrictions. Same limits as state regs. Come and kill all the spikes you want! Killed 26 bucks with average score of around 88.
Did Ames quit posting photos? Would still like to see some of the kills and how many.

Also, what were the restrictions this year on buck size?
No pics. Probably none going forward either. No antler restrictions. Same limits as state regs. Come and kill all the spikes you want! Killed 26 bucks with average score of around 88.