How was your acorn crop this year?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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springfield tn
We had a bumper crop here in northern Robertson co. I have a white oak 5 yards from one of my stands still dropping. It is an absolute doe magnet. I've had does literally directly below me chowing down on multiple occasions. I've already killed 3 deer so far so I've been letting them walk in Hope's for a shooter to come out. It's amazing how much these deer love those white oaks even over the beans still standing in the field.
Western highland rim (hill country west of the Nashville basin) had a bumper crop of white oaks, and some of the reds were loaded down heavy as well. Like walking on marbles everywhere you went. But the whites all dropped over a month ago. Some reds are still dropping, water oaks down around franklin county still dropping pretty heavy right now.

Some areas were more average or spotty, but overall it was a heavy year for white oaks and certain red oaks.
Western Highland Rim, biggest crop we've had since 1995. Ground still covered with acorns. Extraordinary White Oak crop, very good Red crop. And when 80% of the timber is oaks, that's very hard hunting. Found it nearly impossible to zone in on any doe groups. They are feeding everywhere, with little predictability.
We seemed to have a fair crop early in middle TN but for some reason it's like the light switch turned off a week or two before the season started and the crop ran out. We have definitely had years with more chestnut oaks.
Nothing much here in greene county in east Tn. Of course at least anywhere I've been that is.
Excellent on one of the farms I hunt; I expect it to pull in some deer from the river bottoms a couple miles away during late season. I'm about to put out 30 cameras on that farm to monitor it close since I don't have a shooter on it at the moment. I'm hoping and thinking that is going to change in the next couple of weeks.
Ive hunted both East Tn and around Nashville a little, both of which had bumper crops of both White Oaks and especially Northern Red Oaks. Not much in the way of Chestnut oaks here in East Tn this yr. This is 3 yrs in a row (which is highly unusual) that we have had a really good acorn crop and our deer herd seems to be in really great shape.
on my personal property almost non existent. On other places I hunt, it seemed like a bumper crop in a lot of areas and devoid of any in others. Early bow was tough as the normal places had acorns, but so did everywhere else, so they weren't hitting the normal places.