Here is my .o2.
For the average hunter cwd is a non issue. The vast majority of hunters are not trophy hunters. Since CWD mostly takes out the older animals, (and not a huge % of them) the average joe wont notice. Heck the average public land trophy hunter probably wont notice. Especially since other factors such as EHD, other hunters, old age, and autos are more likely to kill that big buck than CWD.
Now the guys who farm deer on captive ranches can have huge losses. When bucks are bringing $10k + if one of them gets CWD its an expensive loss. Just like if your prize bull dies its costly.
Guys who hunt intensively managed properties where each buck is known by trail camera photos and have a hit list..... they will notice if cwd takes out one of their target bucks. High fence game ranches are in the same boat.
Management agencies from a $$$ perspective LOVE cwd. Big budgets and federal $$$$$$ are being allocated to study and "deal" with it. Most game agencies answer is to "kill more deer and reduce the herd". Isn't that what they are afraid CWD will do? Kill a bunch of deer and reduce the herd? Northern states who went the "kill 2/3 of the herd" route still have CWD. So that method of control didn't work. Might have slowed the spread, Maybe? But it is still around and possibly killing all those deer could have contributed to the spread with concentrations of carcasses.
Fear and hype are the enemy of methodical logical thought, and CWD gets plenty of both. Now that $$$$$$$$$$$$ is in the mix, don't expect any official solution that doesn't require a large ongoing budget.
IS cwd the looming doom of deer hunting and possibly the human race IF it jumps species ?
I think NO.
I think it is entirely possible that CWD is a form of "deer scrapie" like the scrapie that affects sheep. Its probably always been around but only recently with high fence deer ranching and the advancement of testing, have we known what killed a deer. Prior to deer ranching, a random carcass found in the wild would be attributed to any number of factors.
I believe the biggest factor in CWD is the deer farming and extremely high density in the high fences which concentrates the deer. Much like how one sick kid will give 2/3 the toddlers in a preschool class the flu. Concentrating deer, sheep, or kids allows an infection the opportunity to quickly run through the group. Once it gets outside the high fence has it run through the wild herds knocking off 1/2 or more of the wild herds? Nope.
I don't know what the "correct" philosophy is for dealing with CWD. Perhaps it is hubris to believe that "we" need to "deal with it" at all. Maybe CWD is a naturally occurring illness like EHD, lumpy jaw, bot flys and a host of other issues ?