For those who prefer rankings based on data, SP+ also updated this afternoon. Here are the SP+ Week 8 top 10 (this will get some of you guys all fired up, but like your fellow SEC fans, the College Football Nerds like to say, "back up your opinions with data"). SP+ top 10:
1- Ohio State
2- Alabama
3- Oklahoma
4- LSU
6- Clemson
7- Wisconsin
8- Penn State
9- Utah
10- Auburn
Georgia and Clemson both up 2 spots (like I said last week, humans are always are captives of the moment and over-punished Georgia). Wisconsin only fell 3 in SP+ (Penn State won and fell 2! That game was a typical James Franklin sucking in the second half.) Auburn moved up 2 spots. For you Gator fans, you dropped 1 in SP+ from #11 to #12. Wins over average teams might impress humans, but not the algos. Oh and Missouri is starting to self-correct. Those Tigers dropped 8 spots to #18, but still ahead of Notre Dame (only humans could move a team up for not playing and rank a top 20 team in the top 10). ... g-shakeups