It's hard to get permission these days to hunt. Nobody use to care at all. I could walk from farm to farm. But nobody wants to sued anymore. Not to mention most farms are now diced up with different owners. 500 acre farm use to be very common. Not so much anymore. Use to be lots of big dairy farms. Most are gone now. So if you are lucky enough to have a lease. Do what you can to hold onto it.
Biggest threat to the future of hunting (in my opinion). Lack of hunter access to private property.
The wildlife cannot be managed effectively (regardless of bag limits, season length, etc.) if the private property across the state is not effectively and consistently hunted. This has caused explosive growth of herds and flocks unabated (see articles on TNDEER about EHD, CWD, Blue Tongue, Turkey decline, etc.). Hunters dropping out because they don't have a place to go (First time this year since I was 13 years old I didn't even bother to buy a license, and I am not alone). Lack of Hunter recruitment, Mentorship, Family exposure, etc. I know at least a dozen or so of my former hunting friends and acquaintances that do not hunt anymore. Some of them buy a license, so they can fish, but do not buy deer or turkey stamps. I haven't seen a group of rabbit hunters in a field along the highway since the early to mid eighties. It is the death of our sport and no one is talking about it.
It is affecting Deer herds in a big way. Deer are nuisance animals and will need to thinned by hired shooters (several Urban/Suburban Areas are looking into this already). This is the exact opposite of hunting.
I do not believe landowners should be forced to allow hunters to have access. That is not fair or right for them. But we do need to protect them from litigation and find some way to provide some incentive to allow hunters access. WE need to figure out a way to make the public and especially landowners want us out there fulfilling our roles as the original conservationist. But, unfortunately if am not confident this will/can happen.
Hunters and Hunting Groups do a good job of preaching to the choir, but the choir is only a small part of the church body.
I will climb down from my soapbox now.
And hunters need to step up and be the hunter that a landowner would want on their land hunting. This is the only way we have a future.