Catman wrote:
Maybe I'm just lucky but two of my oldest deer were bow kills, on two different WMAs, one was in a spot that I don't even bother with during gun season. The first one was by herself on a weekday morning before a storm and was sniffing my ground scent when I shot her. The second was in that spot I don't hunt during gun coming to a hot white oak with multiple other deer around and I had already missed one and shot another before she came out. I've also killed some 5.5+ does on private property, and dang if those deer aren't just as wary as public land deer, but I still killed them inside 15 yards with a bow. Not to mention the older does I've killed with a ML or rifle. I check the jawbones on almost every deer I kill just out of curiosity. I'm sure I see many more mature does than I actually kill, but I just don't even see mature bucks often at all, except in the summer time in bean fields when they're stupid. Once they're in hard horn it's like the older bucks become a different animal. Does don't do that. They can still be found regularly on destination food sources during the daylight throughout bow season. And they react differently to human intrusion, meaning they make a scene rather than disappear into the shadows. I have a feeling there's been plenty of mature bucks that have watched does bust me over the years and never showed their face. Meanwhile the does are stomping around asking to be shot.
I'm not talking about "TWO" of my oldest...I'm talking about TWO HUNDRED. Of mine and or my closest hunting buddies. (who I was with, sitting beside, or told about in one of the several hundred camps we shared over the last 4 decades).
Oh believe me I've killed some really "relaxed" mature does as well. While looking at me. But those encounters STATISTICALLY did not occur as often as I encountered "relaxed" mature bucks in the rut.
Don't get me wrong...(and this is worth repeating) all of them loose some of their wariness in the peak rut.
But getting drawn on a mature doe, with lots of eyes and ears watching, on a typical late season sit,
on heavily pressured public OR AND INCLUDING private land, is difficult for me and the group of guys who I am in contact with (about 15) throughout the season. Again, OUTSIDE of the rut!
To be sure, opportunities occur much more frequently with does because there are so many more mature does.
And I have noticed that on your channel, you will sometimes hunt close to private,( less pressured private) though you are on public.
I'm not talking about those type of deer. I'm talking about deer that spend the vast majority of their lifespan being hunted with very little time to let down their guard from hunters or man in general, including private pressured.
I watched popular Youtube channels collaborate where two popular groups hunted the "public" land deer by boat access and killed a few does and a couple bucks (in Tennessee I think not far from Nashville ). One was the guys first ever public land buck. I know where they were hunting and even though it was public, these "YARD DEER" were NOTHING like the "public land" does I'm referring to.
Kinda like comparing hunting in IOWA during the rut to about ANYWHERE else.
I watched you in Alabama, on public (I think) get your "tail" kicked (your own words I think) trying to kill a legal deer. GREAT video...the struggle is real.
And I believe I've hunted there as well in the past.
So it seems many of the public places I hunt are more like the Alabama public and less like some of that
lower pressured public. (I've deer and turkey hunted some of the same grounds you've hunted...and still would love too but it's a bit of a drive for a commute for me)
Funny thing about Youtube, it can be a great learning tool if used correctly. Problem is, most people probably have NO idea how to interpret what they are seeing. And get the wrong idea about a variety of different topics.
Now please go post a new video on Youtube. I absolutely LOVE your content.
Did I tell you thanks for the Tony Satchereys suggestion?
Or the fact that Ive been cooking my tenderloins for 39 years ALL WRONG?
I NEVER tried the simply salt/pepper/grill to 135 degrees and pat of butter thing.
I've told everyone I know about that recipe from the Catman. Now everyone uses it.
BEST tips ever from Youtube!
Thanks and Merry Christmas Jonathan B !
You should come bowhunt AEDC with me sometime!