Hundreds of turkeys

I found a portrait of RT/RS/RR/RUABagLapper/deuceripper or whatever its name is. Setterman was correct!

If you missed the original thread from RS aka RT, it's too hard to explain. Just know RS/RT has started a bunch of shinanigans that he hasn't backed up. He acts like he knows something but, in fact, he doesn't . In other words, he is blowing smoke and we all see through it but he still thinks he has us fooled.
It's funny to read all the responses to RS/RT's BS.
If you missed the original thread from RS aka RT, it's too hard to explain. Just know RS/RT has started a bunch of shinanigans that he hasn't backed up. He acts like he knows something but, in fact, he doesn't . In other words, he is blowing smoke and we all see through it but he still thinks he has us fooled.
It's funny to read all the responses to RS/RT's BS.
When you say RS, I'm not the same person as Mr. Ducebag/Ducbagger or whatever he calls himself now. I guess if the posts keep going, it will get to the point that I have to change my 22+ year old screen name.
When you say RS, I'm not the same person as Mr. Ducebag/Ducbagger or whatever he calls himself now. I guess if the posts keep going, it will get to the point that I have to change my 22+ year old screen name.