My girls never tried me, but my two older daughters humiliated their then boyfriends, now their husbands, shooting tannerite targets with my rock river varmint on a couple occasions. The girls never miss, always connect on first try, even my youngest daughter. The boys never hit first try. Second son in law was in national guard qualified on rifle, last time around think he shot half a 20 rd mag before he connected. I was calling his shots for him and it was all I could do not to laugh.
Love stories like this.🤣
In my experience girls are better shots. My wife isn't too bad, my daughters, all 3 of them are very good shots. My son is not as good as they were at his age, but he is autistic too though, so maybe that's a factor...
My wife and daughter have "shoot offs" at the range.
My daughter will say, "ok this is my last shot". Then my wife will shoot one more time and get closer to dead center…guess what, my daughter will grab another shell out of the box and try to beat her mom.
My theory is women just have more patience than men. They don't have the stress of "letting one get away" like men do either. They take their time and do it like they learned too and are very consistent.
My wife and daughter have "shoot offs" at the range.
My daughter will say, "ok this is my last shot". Then my wife will shoot one more time and get closer to dead center…guess what, my daughter will grab another shell out of the box and try to beat her mom.
My theory is women just have more patience than men. They don't have the stress of "letting one get away" like men do either. They take their time and do it like they learned too and are very consistent.
I think you figured it out.😉
1 Thing to remember, everything you do on your property that you hunt probably affects 3-5 miles any direction, so we will always be impacting a lot larger area than folks realize hunting our hunt.
Good advice, I have thought about that. Gameland to the east. None hunter to the north. To the south farm he wants everything shot. As for the west not sure who owns that. Surrounded by farms and gameland.
My wife never hunted but she's a better shot than me always have been .
My mother was a heck of a shot, although she rarely did so. But then she got good genetics from her parents, who were both excellent shots (the made money during the depression putting on marksmanship shows at county fairs). My oldest sister shot on the UC Davis rifle team.

Some siblings got the shooting gene and others didn't. My daughter is a good shot, and if that skill had been fostered, I think she could be an exceptional shot.
In my experience girls are better shots. My wife isn't too bad, my daughters, all 3 of them are very good shots. My son is not as good as they were at his age, but he is autistic too though, so maybe that's a factor...
Years ago I read an explanation from a psychologist that stuck with me. They said the reason that women were more accurate was because women worried about hitting the target, while the men worried about missing.