According to an article in Outdoor Life, the increased fee covers all the application fees for tags/licenses bought at the same time.
"On the bright side, that pricey fee would cover all applications. Hunters currently have to pay a fee for every limited-quota tag they apply for"
A newly proposed bill in Wyoming would raise application fees for nonresident and resident hunters by 300 to 400 percent.
Here is the proposal, admittedly it's clear as mud. *Upon further reading it does appear to make it one application fee. So weird. Just doesnt make sense to me.
Few things if the article you linked is indeed true.
1.) They would have to change the structure of applying. Currently the NR process is staggered. For example; NR elk apps are due the end of Jan and deer/pronghorn are in May. I suppose they could credit your future applications for that calendar year.
2.) If it is one application fee then it will by default put a stupid amount of demand on the drawing process and therefore draw odds in the random draw. For example; if you are paying $75 to apply for elk in Jan you might as well apply for deer/pronghorn in May.
3.) I am a WY resident now. It cost me $5 for each species. Deer/elk/pronghorn cost me $5 each right now which is $15 per year. I can also apply for sheep/goat/bison/moose. So for a year it cost me $35. Game and Fish would loose money on residents because instead of me paying $35 a year it would be decreased to $20. Sure, many people don't put in for all species but most put in for deer/elk/pronghorn.
Wanna get mind blown? Resident turkey tag is $16, so if you only hunt turkeys in WY the fee to apply to hunt cost more than the tag

4.) You pay an application fee currently for doe/cow tags too. Making it one flat fee could stand the risk of the state actually loosing money or going through this whole process to have a net zero gain.
I say all that to say this "it makes no sense to make it a flat fee under the disguise of raising more money". The whole premise is to raise funds, not save the applicant money.
However, these are politicians and I think the main credential is to be an idiot.