I am wanting a compition bow?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
Reaction score
Thinking about getting an Mathews Apex 7 and was wondering if anyone knew if Mathews may be coming out with a new comp. bow soon? Or what are some other brands to look at. Prime?
I don't think Matthews is going to come out with a new target bow anytime soon ... The main reason is because why fix it if its not broken . There are tons of Apex's at every tournament and they are still winning . The only thing I don't like about it is you have to have a long draw length to get any speed out of it .
Primes are sweet shooting bows (not just because that's what I'm shooting ) . I can't shoot the Prime One because the draw length doesn't go down far enough for me (26") but I'm shooting the Impact and it is a really good shooting bow. They are a breeze to tune ! Let me know if your considering one and ill talk to you more about them .
Yep that's the million dollar question...how much are you wanting to spend on one. And a good follow up question...who are you gonna take it to, to have it serviced? I don't mean this in a mean way and I'm not calling anybody out. So I hope nobody reads my post and accuses me of that this go around.

If you don't plan on working on the bows and tuning them yourself...you are better off finding a reputable dealer that you trust, and stick with what they sell and know the most about tuning. The fact is...there are a lot of GREAT bows out there on the market today. All it takes is for somebody to tune them correctly, and then the work begins on setting them up to your shooting style. Not because Levi, Chance, or the local shop shooters all shoot it. Figuring out what stabilizer lengths and weights you need, and where to put all of it has been the bigger challenge for me to deal with. Shooting with a lens, or without? What power? What size scope housing? Clarifier or no clarifier? LP Light kit? Picking the bow is just a small part in it. Getting the bow in spec is easy. Tuning them can be a pain some times. But setting them up perfectly for you...that's the hard part, because there's no cookie cutter format to go by. It's all the individual.
If I go by what the tech i trust the most it will be an Apex 7. I was hoping to see something new from them(Mathews) though.
Turd Farmer said:
If I go by what the tech i trust the most it will be an Apex 7. I was hoping to see something new from them(Mathews) though.

Your tech "that you trust the most" must sell Mathews or is an uninformed fan boy! Take a good look around and ask questions about the various bows you may be interested in owning.

I'll give you my take on the Apex 7, based upon extensive set-up, shooting, and testing of this bow. Mathews claims that the Apex 7 has more podium finishes than any other bow. That might be true if the bow is wielded in the hands of Levi Morgan. Levi made the the Mathews Apex 7 popular just as he has now made the Elite Energy 35 popular, just ask anyone who has attended an ASA Pro/Am in 2014. Putting the "Levi" factor aside because quite frankly you could hand Levi Morgan a tobacco stick and string and he's going to shoot it great!

I found the Apex 7 easy to set-up and tune. I could shoot the Apex 7 and group very good with it and that's about the end of the positive things I can say about it. The Apex 7 vibrated like a big harsh tuning fork! Nothing that I tried would effectively minimize the annoying and distracting buzzing feedback vibration! I tried double barbells, lots of weight, less weights, different stabilizers, back bars and v-bars. The vibration was so bad everything on the bow would work loose each time the bow was shot!

If you are determined to go with an Apex 7, do yourself a favor and buy a used one. Used ones can be had in the $300 range. The bow is essentially unchanged since it debuted, other than limb graphics.

Take an unbiased look at the bows out there and shoot all of them that you can, in order to help you formulate your opinion before spending your cash on a target bow. Look beyond Mathews very effective marketing campaign to see what's out there!

Then ask yourself these two questions:

1)Why hasn't Mathews brought out a new updated flagship target bow in years?

2)What brand of bow do I see most in the hands of winners be it pro or amateur across all disciplines of archery both nationally and internationally?
Dixie, I will say that my tech is NOT " an uninformed fan boy". He will work on any bow that I bring into the store and has mentioned other bows to me that he does not sell. Elite was not one of them.
There is a LOT of truth and wisdom to Dixie's advice. If you limit yourself to only looking at one bow company, you are only hurting yourself in the long run. Don't let your friends pick the bow that they think is best for you either. That's about the same as letting your friends set you up on a blind date with a girl they think "is a perfect match" for you. Nobody knows you like YOU.

At the Classic last yr and Florida this yr...I saw more Hoyt & PSE shirts and bows than anything else. Mathews was still probably 3rd but Elite had the biggest gain (the Levi factor) of any of them from last yr to this yr. More people will go to them too. Elite has the most popular bow booth at the shoots right now. You've already said the reason why this is occurring with the Mathews bows...a lot of people that have been shooting for them, have been waiting on a new target bow for the past several yrs and they've not delivered. Other companies have.
Turd Farmer said:
Dixie, I will say that my tech is NOT " an uninformed fan boy". He will work on any bow that I bring into the store and has mentioned other bows to me that he does not sell. Elite was not one of them.

TF, perhaps you misunderstood my post, I was not pushing the Elite line of bows at all! Please allow me to further expound on this line of discussion!

Here I would like to quote pro archer Jack Wallace who recently moved back to Hoyt; "..... Mathews is a marketing company that manufactures bows. Hoyt on the other hand is an engineering company that builds bows!" You can hear these very comments in his interview with Bowjunky.

Without a doubt Mathews has out marketed and out advertised the other bow companies by far! There is nothing wrong with this strategy and it is certainly an American classic business model!
Credit must be given where credit is due and Mathews has created a strong loyal customer base of repeat buyers. This following is often rabid in their defense of drinking the Mathews Kool-aid.

If one remembers the Mathews ad campaigns from about 10-11 years they were slamming other companies for split limb bows and two cam designed bows! Mathews even went so far to claim the 2 cam was dead...I don't guess Elite got that message! Duh? Then the Monster series debuts! Why! Because the solocam design has been pushed about as far as it can go.

As brilliant as the Mathews marketing machine they can be reckless and they have begun to drink their own kool-aid! Case in point when Mathews lost the most dominant 3D shooter to ever pluck a string to their upstart tiny competitor Elite! I guess the Mathews executives thought it was really the bow that was winning instead of the "MAN" shooting the bow and that was toopid on their part! That man sure has sold a lot of Elite bows since his arrival at Elite! An excellent marketing coup on the part of Elite! Plus the Elite 35 is a great bow and it's their hot lick for now. I am in no way bashing Mathews bows and I have owned several and they back their products with excellent customer service.

Please allow me to quote myself when I suggested that you ask yourself a 2nd question:
2)What brand of bow do I see most in the hands of winners be it pro or amateur across all disciplines of archery both nationally and internationally?

If you ask yourself the above question and are objective and unbiased in your approach to formulate your findings you will see that one line of bows and only one line of bows clearly dominates tournament archery. I did not mention the name because I was hoping you might look into and make your own decision based upon what you had found. Go to Youtube and watch the hundreds if not thousands of videos of competition archery from around the world Make sure you check out the Archery Focus TV channel on Youtube. Once your research is completed you will come to the glaringly obvious conclusion, that is unless you are Helen Keller, is that the one brand of bow that dominates tournament archery is HOYT!

We must also keep in mind that archery as a whole is a small business, generating less than one billion in total sales in the US market. The bow manufacturers like to tout how their target bow wins this and wins that but in reality they sell 100 hunting to bows to 1 target bows. It's easy to see that bowhunter's pay the bills all around!

So in closing, TF were you wanting honest input about targets bows? Or were you wanting to argue with the very opinions you solicited while looking for affirmation?
When I started watching competition archery on Archery TV (You Tube) it is apparent Hoyt dominates. Also many of those shooters aren't sponsored, they shoot Hoyt cause they prefer their bows.
UTGrad said:
When I started watching competition archery on Archery TV (You Tube) it is apparent Hoyt dominates. Also many of those shooters aren't sponsored, they shoot Hoyt cause they prefer their bows.

BUT, a person should decide which bow manufacturer has a bow that feels right to them�who cares what everyone else is shooting. Going with or against what the masses shoot can be the difference�it all depends on which bow is the right one.
TNDeerGuy said:
UTGrad said:
When I started watching competition archery on Archery TV (You Tube) it is apparent Hoyt dominates. Also many of those shooters aren't sponsored, they shoot Hoyt cause they prefer their bows.

BUT, a person should decide which bow manufacturer has a bow that feels right to them�who cares what everyone else is shooting. Going with or against what the masses shoot can be the difference�it all depends on which bow is the right one.

Y'all here TNDeerGuy??? Just remember he is Mathews archery n�mero uno fan boy! He mainlines the Mathews Kool-aid intravenously!
Just remember.. any of the top pros can win with ANY of those top brands, and most have...

2nd.. the ANTI Mathews kool aid people drink is a pretty strong drink also.. just saying..

As far as what Jack said... 2 pro ams into the year compared to last year with Mathews... 3rd and 17th last year with the marketing machine...to 15th place finishes with the real bow building company... You would expect more with such strong words..

Mathews, Hoyt, PSE, even some Elites are all nice bows.. You get the bow YOU want. Dont let some pro that's making money jumping from brand to brand decide what's best for you.
DixieCrafter said:
TNDeerGuy said:
UTGrad said:
When I started watching competition archery on Archery TV (You Tube) it is apparent Hoyt dominates. Also many of those shooters aren't sponsored, they shoot Hoyt cause they prefer their bows.

BUT, a person should decide which bow manufacturer has a bow that feels right to them�who cares what everyone else is shooting. Going with or against what the masses shoot can be the difference�it all depends on which bow is the right one.

Y'all here TNDeerGuy??? Just remember he is Mathews0 archery n�mero uno fan boy! He mainlines the Mathews Kool-aid intravenously!

You do know you're probably gonna be eating those words soon right? ;)