Turd Farmer said:
Dixie, I will say that my tech is NOT " an uninformed fan boy". He will work on any bow that I bring into the store and has mentioned other bows to me that he does not sell. Elite was not one of them.
TF, perhaps you misunderstood my post, I was not pushing the Elite line of bows at all! Please allow me to further expound on this line of discussion!
Here I would like to quote pro archer Jack Wallace who recently moved back to Hoyt; "..... Mathews is a marketing company that manufactures bows. Hoyt on the other hand is an engineering company that builds bows!" You can hear these very comments in his interview with Bowjunky.
Without a doubt Mathews has out marketed and out advertised the other bow companies by far! There is nothing wrong with this strategy and it is certainly an American classic business model!
Credit must be given where credit is due and Mathews has created a strong loyal customer base of repeat buyers. This following is often rabid in their defense of drinking the Mathews Kool-aid.
If one remembers the Mathews ad campaigns from about 10-11 years they were slamming other companies for split limb bows and two cam designed bows! Mathews even went so far to claim the 2 cam was dead...I don't guess Elite got that message! Duh? Then the Monster series debuts! Why! Because the solocam design has been pushed about as far as it can go.
As brilliant as the Mathews marketing machine they can be reckless and they have begun to drink their own kool-aid! Case in point when Mathews lost the most dominant 3D shooter to ever pluck a string to their upstart tiny competitor Elite! I guess the Mathews executives thought it was really the bow that was winning instead of the
"MAN" shooting the bow and that was toopid on their part! That man sure has sold a lot of Elite bows since his arrival at Elite! An excellent marketing coup on the part of Elite! Plus the Elite 35 is a great bow and it's their hot lick for now. I am in no way bashing Mathews bows and I have owned several and they back their products with excellent customer service.
Please allow me to quote myself when I suggested that you ask yourself a 2nd question:
2)What brand of bow do I see most in the hands of winners be it pro or amateur across all disciplines of archery both nationally and internationally?
If you ask yourself the above question and are objective and unbiased in your approach to formulate your findings you will see that one line of bows and only one line of bows clearly dominates tournament archery. I did not mention the name because I was hoping you might look into and make your own decision based upon what you had found. Go to Youtube and watch the hundreds if not thousands of videos of competition archery from around the world Make sure you check out the Archery Focus TV channel on Youtube. Once your research is completed you will come to the glaringly obvious conclusion, that is unless you are Helen Keller, is that the one brand of bow that dominates tournament archery is
We must also keep in mind that archery as a whole is a small business, generating less than one billion in total sales in the US market. The bow manufacturers like to tout how their target bow wins this and wins that but in reality they sell 100 hunting to bows to 1 target bows. It's easy to see that bowhunter's pay the bills all around!
So in closing, TF were you wanting honest input about targets bows? Or were you wanting to argue with the very opinions you solicited while looking for affirmation?