I got a cool picture of a couple Toms!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2008
Reaction score
Decherd, TN
It's a shame I took it with my stupid cell phone instead of a decent camera.

Anyway, I was on my way to a job yesterday and was seeing several turkey out in the fields between Woodbury and I-40 on hwy 53. As I came around a long curve I noticed a field full of them right by the road with a couple strutters right in the middle. I made sure nobody was coming and slowed almost to a stop to get a picture and as I was rolling the window down I could hear them gobbling. Just after I took the picture another one sounded off, but I thought I was late snapping the picture. Well, I put the picture on the computer and after zooming in and sharpening it up a little I found that I actually caught him with his neck stretched out gobbling. It sucks that I didn't have a decent camera or this would actually be a good picture. If you look close you'll see there are two toms and the one further back is roarin'. :D

:cool: thanks for sharing, haven't seen any strutters yet myself but it's about time, I have seen a lot of turkeys lately so it's only a matter of time before I see one with his fan out.

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