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I gotta tell this one..............long but funny


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
I have a good friend that is a member here but doesn't post much anymore.
He called me a couple weeks ago and wanted to go fishing that Saturday morning at the 1,000 acre lake.
I am all for it and my son was off work too so that made it even better.

We meet up and load our crap into his boat.
He has a 4 or 5 year old VERY nice Phoenix boat. Absolutely awesome piece of machinery.

I guess here is where I need to tell some backstory first:

Last summer he let a friend of his borrow his boat.
He told him if anything was to happen just let him know as he has insurance on it.
The guy came and got it and brought it back and put it back in his shop and left a $50.00 gift card on the deck.

About a week later he walked by it and noticed a big scratch on the side of it. He was kinda sick over it but as he said, it happens.
Then he walked around the other side of it (he was putting the cover on it) and noticed the rubber "seal" that is between the top & bottom halves of the boat was actually sticking out a little bit.
He called his buddy and he said a big storm blew up and they had to run into a slip to get cover from the storm and he guessed the waves beat it against the side of the slip and did it.
So my buddy carries it off somewhere to have it fixed. Good as new but he had to pay the deductible, with no help from his friend.

While his boat was in the hospital he ran into another friend who asked about his boat.
He said it is getting fixed now, that storm beat it up pretty bad.
Storm??? BS ! We watched the guy pull it out and it slid off the trailer and he pulled it all the way up the ramp sliding behind the trailer!!! :shock: :shock:
Well, that explains alot right there. :bash:

Now fast forward to us going fishing.
My buddy and I were in the boat and my son was backing us down the ramp and I say...
You got the plug in? I don't know about these fancy boats so I thought I would ask.
Never take it out.
Thumbs up.

We launch and fire it up and idle around while Man gets back to the dock.
We take off (at just over an idle) and go to the far end of the lake, to the dam end, and right before we get to where we were gonna start fishing the motor starts running real rough and I ask if it was supposed to sound like that, since I don't know nothing about these fancy boats.
Uhhh no it's not... then it quits.
He is looking back over his shoulder while trying to start it and says.... why is my bilge pump running?
I don't know nothing about these fancy boats but I would say because it's full of water. :poke:

He tries to crank it several times and it won't start. So he gets on the trolling motor and we start back towards the ramp. (In 50+ feet deep water with 20mph winds)
Then he says my trolling motor is messed up, it won't turn off.
I guess that's better than it won't turn on, but I don't know nothing about these fancy boats. :) (See the trend here?)
He had actually found a mouse bed in one of the compartments and he figured they had chewed a wire or something.

So we are steadily heading back and the bilge is still pumping at full volume and he says I hope it ain't leaking where they fixed it.
You haven't had it in the water since you got it back?

My son says, I like that rainsuit you got on.
Thanks, I really like it. It is a bass pro 100 mph suit. They are pricey but worth every penny.
I like it too, I thought about buying one, but I put all my money into a motor that runs. :)

We get back, finally, and start the process of trying to load a 20 something foot long bass boat with a trolling motor that don't work right in 20+ mph winds.
The second time we hit the concrete ramp with the nose of his boat my son says, you might want to raise the big motor up before it hits.
I get over in the drivers seat and raise the motor and he gets us turned around headed back out to make another try at the trailer.
Just for kicks I lower the motor and hit the key.
Fires right up.
He looks at me with a confused face and I say, I don't know nothing about these fancy boats but it is running good now. :poke:
So we sit there and look at each other with the "what in the world" look and finally I say, you wannna load it with the big motor now?
So I move over and gets in the seat. About the time he puts it in gear it quits again. :bash:

FINALLY we get the boat loaded and pull it out of the water.
My son gets down on the ground, after all the water runs out of the boat, and screws in the drain plug.
Apparently they unscrewed it when they were working on it at the shop.
I say, that's neat, I don't know nothing about these fancy boats but mine goes in from the inside. :)

I finally ease up on him a bit since he is obviously upset that his motor won't run.
He calls later that day and the preliminary diagnosis is the computer is fried and he is looking at 2 grand or better to fix it. :(
They are going to TRY to get Mercury to warrenty it but he don't know if they can pull it off or not, his warrenty ran out like 6 months ago.

A week later he calls and says they hooked it up and figure they will start with replacing some kind of computer board that is about $300 and go from there.

He called me yesterday. He got his boat back and it runs perfectly and they narrowed it down to the root cause of the whole problem with it.


It was out of gas. :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

I guess on them fancy boats, if you let it get completely empty it will kinda "vapor lock" and it won't take any gas unless you let it go in very very slowly when you first start.
He had tried to fill it up the morning we went fishing and he said it wouldn't take a drop of gas, because it was already full. He said he likes to keep it nearly full all the time because he can't afford to fill it up all at one time. LOL
So a $300 computer board and $113 worth of gas and he is ready to roll again.

He said he guessed someone stole his gas out of it in his shop.
I got to thinking about it later last night and I bet ya a 100 dollar bill someone stole his gas while it was whereever he had it fixed at.

I am glad it wasn't worse for him, for two reasons:
Number one, because he is a great guy and I am super glad it didn't cost him in the thousands of dollars to fix it.
Number two, and more importantly, I get to ride him like a borrowed mule from now on about this, at least till I do something stupid and he has ammo against me. :)

Oh and when all this went down I posted to him on facebook with just a picture of a drain plug.
This morning I posted a picture of a gas pump to him. :tu:

Love ya man! :)
Not funny but funny. Glad y'all didn't swamp it.

I learned a long time ago that an auto bilge pump that shoots up where you can see the spray will save your butt if you forget to put the plug in. Make sure it's right at the plug hole so as soon as you back the trailer in the water it comes on... also needs to be high volume so it'll catch your attention right away. I was going crappie fishing with the wife and an older guy a couple years ago in my Skeeter. I backed the boat in since it was easier for me than either of them. As soon as I backed the boat down I saw water in the mirror shooting over the motor. Would have sucked to swamp it with an older guy and a pregnant wife in the boat with you.
Makes me wonder if they took the plug out at the shop, or the guy who borrowed it took the plug out and forgot to put it back in.

Sounds like ya'll got lucky that boat didn't go down!

I just got my first boat a few weeks ago - nothing near as nice as a Phoenix... but I'm constantly worrying about the plug or something stupid like that causing a disaster.

So far the dumbest things I've done are hit a rock (screwed up the prop!) and left the transom/trailer straps attached while my wife was backing me in. :D
TNReb":a710bpxy said:
I just got my first boat a few weeks ago - nothing near as nice as a Phoenix... but I'm constantly worrying about the plug or something stupid like that causing a disaster.

So far the dumbest things I've done are hit a rock (screwed up the prop!) and left the transom/trailer straps attached while my wife was backing me in. :D

My number one objective when going fishing is getting back to the ramp, dry.

My best suggestion for you is to get a routine down for launching as well as loading the boat.
Raise motor, check plug, take motor toter to truck, remove tie downs, organize everything so you can walk to the back or allow someone else to walk after picking them up,check plug again, etc.
Go through the same routine every time where it becomes habit, that is the best way I have found to keep from forgetting something.

One thing for sure, if you have a boat and you use it, stuff will happen, period. :D
Oh and one more thing that I am pretty anal about is, I don't remove the front winch from the boat until I am in the water and I don't pull out of the water till it is attached.
I pay more attention to that than I do the plug.
RUGER":2jiyjwwc said:
My number one objective when going fishing is getting back to the ramp, dry.

My best suggestion for you is to get a routine down for launching as well as loading the boat.

I try, but that routine can go right out the window with a 3 year old and 5 year old running around!

"Get away from that dock! You'll fall in!"

** check the plu.... **

"Hey!! I said back up from the water!!"

** what was I doing? oh yeah, take the straps off **
yep routine is good. especially the winch tip. some of these aluminum boats have slick paint and im mean slick. lol, the tracker mechanic told me when they first started using it they slid a boat down the ramp.

lol, you guys ever took off from a fishing spot with the trolling motor sill deployed? zero fun.
WTM":2xwc6qix said:
lol, you guys ever took off from a fishing spot with the trolling motor sill deployed? zero fun.

Same guy I posted this entire thread about and I were fishing in one of the little tndeer tournaments we had.
We fished a spot for a while and were gonna move.
I sat down, he sat down, cranked up and nailed it.
Front of the boat came way out of the water and then all of a sudden water was coming from EVERYWHERE and I was like what in the WORLD?????

LOL then he got up and raised the trolling motor up. :rotf: :rotf:
It's amazing hot cold lake water can be. LOL
RUGER":1y848xhj said:
My best suggestion for you is to get a routine down for launching as well as loading the boat.
Raise motor, check plug, take motor toter to truck, remove tie downs, organize everything so you can walk to the back or allow someone else to walk after picking them up,check plug again, etc.


I don't trust myself to always follow a routine from memory. I made a checklist using the notepad on my cell phone.

It has three parts. First part is for making sure that I have everything that I need loaded and the boat/trailer are ready for the road.

The second part is the pre-launch check - tie downs removed, winch locked, etc.

The third part is the take-out check - get everything road ready for the trip home.

The list doesn't guarantee that I won't screw up, but it cuts the chances way down. As a bonus, it helps make sure that I have my phone. :-)
Experience is the best teacher...sometimes. I would love to say that I have never made the same stupid mistake with my boat more than once. I would love to say it, but it would be a lie!
Ive had those days,try to learn from them.Only have a few friends i trust with my boat,dont trust many people.

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Ruger I thought this was suppose to stay between friends lol. In my defense i did try to put gas in it lol. Gauge said empty lol but would not take no gas. Trust the gauge lol. Ruger you are still a IDGIT. Your time is coming lol :D
tophat":2rtpm0gs said:
Ruger I thought this was suppose to stay between friends lol. In my defense i did try to put gas in it lol. Gauge said empty lol but would not take no gas. Trust the gauge lol. Ruger you are still a IDGIT. Your time is coming lol :D

BBAAAHHAHWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

I can't believe it took you this long to see it.
Some places it's required to remove the plug at the ramp when you exit the lake. It's designed to try and stop transporting invasive species from lake to lake.

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