I had a weak moment.....Pic

I use to live in Murfreesboro and I think I remember that big 8 in the newspaper. Very nice buck! I guess those are mostly Rutherford county deer.
Ah! Now I remember. That deer was in the trophy room. I hunt a farm over in Moore county just outside of Lynchburg. Actully from the property I can see the JD storage units.
I admire any deer thats killed with a bow...Nice buck Hook.

Still....It never ceases to amaze me that it seems alot..not all, but more than not, an apology is being made about a kill, because someone is worried that the deer harvested is just not big enough.
due to the over saturation of all the "big buck" mags and "big buck" videos, I sadly think the pure joy of hunting has been lost somewhere in the mix.
As for me? It's my choice what I kill, and what the other guy thinks? I really don't give a rats behind.
So ture Easlo...so true....I was mor dissapointed in myself because I am typically very strict...but sometimes ya just gotta do what you feel like doing...

Ghosthunter....we're probably in shouting distance.
Thanks HOOK,
I've been srictly a bow hunter since 1988.Of course back in the day "If it's brown it's down" held true for me. Over the years I became much more selective just because the thrill of killing just any deer became less and less.I reached a point at one time I was'nt going to kill anything except a doe once in awhile or a wall hanger.I spent at least 10 years of hunting in that mode.Now,it seems over the last 5 or 6 years I take whatever I feel like and not give it a second thought.
At my age of 52 it just feels good being in the woods and taking in what mother nature has to offer.
52 ROCKS...53 in a few days! Ya know...I haven't thought of that...I should merely be proud that I'm still climbing trees at my age