Never really thought I'd want to get rid of my Glocks. I bought my first one the month I turned 21 (12 years ago) and have been in love with them ever since. However, I've slowly grown to dislike the "angle" at which the gun points. I love them for their reliability and simplicity, but
.... alas.. my heart hath fallen for a new love! Sigs!
Picked up a Sig P227 (with night sights) .45 today to go with my P938. Hoping to pick up a P229 soon.
Outpost Armory had a fair price, and everything was 10% off for fathers and they paid the background check fee. The price wound up being better than anything I could find online or in other stores. I was extremely happy.
.... alas.. my heart hath fallen for a new love! Sigs!
Picked up a Sig P227 (with night sights) .45 today to go with my P938. Hoping to pick up a P229 soon.
Outpost Armory had a fair price, and everything was 10% off for fathers and they paid the background check fee. The price wound up being better than anything I could find online or in other stores. I was extremely happy.