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I Love it but...


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2024
...the older i get, the harder it is to roll out of bed. Some mornings I even wake up early just to kill the alarm to go back to dreamland. If I liked hunting in the evening, I would not have any issues lol. I donhunt evenings, I just prefer to be in the woods when nature wakes up. I know today is probably gonna yield zero meat. That's part of the issue. It's more of an observation sit. I may get lucky and they decide to walk close enough for a shot, but in all reality my farm sucks until November and is even better in January. Which brings about the cold problems then, but that's a complaint for another day.
...the older i get, the harder it is to roll out of bed. Some mornings I even wake up early just to kill the alarm to go back to dreamland. If I liked hunting in the evening, I would not have any issues lol. I donhunt evenings, I just prefer to be in the woods when nature wakes up. I know today is probably gonna yield zero meat. That's part of the issue. It's more of an observation sit. I may get lucky and they decide to walk close enough for a shot, but in all reality my farm sucks until November and is even better in January. Which brings about the cold problems then, but that's a complaint for another day.
Anymore it's not very difficult to talk me into staying in a warm bed with the wife. I enjoy morning hunts...just can't make myself get up sometimes. On this farm, evenings are about as good as it gets anyway...at least around here. If I go to the other property...have to get up even earlier...to get the boat in the water.
Usually froze before I ever get to the woods.. 😂