I think Georgia tech is the team to take down FSU

Haters do hate and therefore Jameis Winston is a thug. No I think Mudbone is right. He's a punk. A thug would whip his azz and take his lunch money.
I see plenty of thugs in college ball. EVERY top team in the country has their own cross to bare. Just curious as to what a smart man like you considers a Thug. Actual evidence would be nice,or are you just a hater like stated already.




baddnole":22h4nvnc said:
I see plenty of thugs in college ball. EVERY top team in the country has their own cross to bare. Just curious as to what a smart man like you considers a Thug. Actual evidence would be nice,or are you just a hater like stated already.

Nov. 25, 2012: A woman calls 911 to report that there are two men on a bike path on the Florida State University campus with what appears to be a black, long-barreled pistol. Police respond and draw their guns as they approach Jameis Winston and his roommate and teammate, Chris Casher, and ultimately handcuff them. The two tell the officer they were shooting at squirrels with a pellet gun, and they are released without charges being filed.

Nov. 25, 2012: A few hours after the incident on the bike path, Winston, Casher and two other Florida State players, Mario Edwards and Kenneth "P.J." Williams, allegedly engage in a BB- and pellet-gun battle at their apartment house, inflicting an estimated $4,000 in damage. Management at the apartment house declines to press criminal charges after an FSU athletic official vows that the players will pay for the damage.

Dec. 7, 2012: Winston is accused of raping a woman at his off-campus apartment. The woman reports the assault to police that day and five weeks later calls a detective and identifies Winston as her attacker after seeing him in a class. Tallahassee police drop the investigation, contending the woman has refused to cooperate, then revive it nine months later and sent it to State Attorney Willie Meggs. Meggs conducts a new investigation but concludes that there is not enough evidence to file criminal charges. Winston's lawyer contends the sexual encounter was consensual. The U.S. Department of Education later launches a federal investigation of the school's handling of the incident after questions arise about whether Florida State followed the provisions of Title IX, and in August 2014 the school launches an investigation of Winston under the student code of conduct.

July 21, 2013: Winston is accused of entering a Burger King in Tallahassee and helping himself to soda from the fountain machine without paying for it. A restaurant employee later tells police she gave Winston a cup of water but that he poured the water out and helped himself to several cups of soda despite her objections. No charges are filed.
April 29, 2014: Winston is accused of stealing $32.72 worth of crab legs from a Tallahassee supermarket. He is given a civil citation that allows him to perform community service and is suspended from the FSU baseball team until he completes that work. Winston tells police he "forgot" to pay for the crab legs and publicly apologizes.

May 20, 2014: Winston is expected at a code-of-conduct hearing for Chris Casher and Ronald Darby, two FSU teammates who alleged the witnessed a portion of the sexual encounter involving the quarterback and the woman who accused him of rape. They are both accused of violating school rules. Winston does not show up for the hearing, and his lawyer contends that no one from the school ever asked him to be there – something that is disputed by attorneys involved in the process. However, FSU officials later acknowledge that they have no way to force a witness to attend a code-of-conduct hearing.

Sept. 16, 2014: Winston is seen by several students jumping up on a table on campus and screaming a sexually charged expletive-laced phrase that was made popular on the internet. FSU head football coach Jimbo Fisher suspends Winston for the first half of the team's upcoming game with Clemson, and school officials vow that he will be subject to "internal discipline" – most likely under the school's code of conduct. Winston apologizes.

Oct. 13, 2014: ESPN reports that FSU's compliance department is investigating whether Winston accepted money in exchange for autographs. The university's athletic director issues a statement on Oct. 17, explaining that the compliance staff looking into whether Jameis Winston accepted unauthorized benefits for his autograph has "no information indicating that he accepted payment for items reported to bear his signature, thereby compromising his athletics eligibility."

For all of this, he has received a whopping ONE game suspension and that was for his little spouting session on campus.

He is a true roll model.
Im a vol fan, and guess what I think AJ Johnson is a Thug, he was at a huge party dranking with under age guys Cops showed they said he would not listen to them and more is said stuff goes down you guys know the story
Then he gets accused of sexual assault you guys know that story. Thats just been this year His been in trouble to many times. But you know what im a vol fan and im calling a vol player a thug
if you can set there and say Winston is not a thug or puck or whatever after reading everthing teammainstreet just listed something is wrong with you lol
Accused of sexual assault,E.K. changed her story 4 times already.
Was shooting squirrels with Chris Casher .We all know those Alabama guys can't hunt.
Was walking down the hall with 17 others that were hollering the same thing. Lord forbid a college kid should say something an adult started on TV
Was not the one stealing coke in the ketshup cups.Many were there and did not leave when asked
The autographs have already been proven false. Most are not even his signature.
My opinion is you are about 30 years old and a Gator or Bama fan or Maybe Auburn.
You are right tho ,he should never had sex with that white girl, especially after she had already had sex with her other black boyfriend hours before.Lord know what she was doing with Marcus Jordon,Michael's son, I don't
believe in that either.If you are a preacher or minister I'm sorry you have to listen to this stuff in the real world.
You are on a sports forumn so what team DO you pull for? Curious what your idea of thug is really, compared to your team.Donkey just cause its on the webb doesn't make it true
Oh yes,the crabs.Not saying it was right but he took one for the team on that one.You really believe that teams everywhere don't have a hook up for food? Go back and look at the film . Security guard walked him from the back, out of the store,right past the cashier. Immature ,yes. Thug? Don't think so.
Donkey I have been a FSU fan since 1960. I just can't stand the way the Media and the SEC have tried to bully and ruin this kids life. I also have stuck up for others on other teams including Tennessee but never the Gators,lol. Jameis Winston is immature and acts stupid at times but is not a criminal. I just believe people that live in glass houses should not throw rocks. There is a lot of jealousy out there.Someone ruined the party the SEC was having and it was Jameis.
Winston is a good footbal player fact, winston will be a top 5 pick in the draft fact, FSU has been a good team last two seasons fact!
To me a thief is a little more then being immature I dont guess I know anyone! Friends, family whoever thats ever walked into a place ate $35 worth of food and say dang I forgot I needed to pay lol? You believe that? JMO thats crap:/
the shooting BB guns and braking windows I could understand 1 window but to brake many and do all that damage? Really shooting Squeals? He just made that up and lied to the cops? Cause he knows he was cought being a punk
but anyways his coach is the biggest problem I have! after 1 or 2 of them problems he should have told winston to stop being stupid and if you get in trouble again your not playing for a few games. But he dont have the guts to do so
If his coach would have set him down and said look dont do ANYTHING stupid, your making FSU look bad, Me look bad and your self look bad. And if you do anything stupid im gonna be forced to set you a game or two.

I bet if he told winston that he would not be out running around shooting out Windows with BB guns causing damage. Getting the cops called or stealing crab legs or jumping on tables yelling causeing problems.

But his coach didnt have the guts to stand up to him to set him or do anything.
If the punk had been punished early and often, he might not have been in as much trouble as hes been in. He is a punk tha thinks he can do whatever he wants to and get away with it because he hasnt been told otherwise. I blame that on Jimbo Fisher and FSU more than I do Winston.

You can defend him all you want to but a spade is a spade.